Happiness extends life

Happiness extends life / Health News

Study: Happiness extends life


Happy people have a higher life expectancy. US researchers at the University of Illinois have found this out in more than 160 studies on happiness and health. The results confirm the approaches of naturopathy.

„The overwhelming majority“ of the evaluated studies „shows that being happy is associated with health and a longer life“, Ed Diener and his research colleagues from the University of Illinois emphasized in the publication of their study results in the current issue of the journal „Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being“. Life expectancy is significantly influenced by personal happiness.

Positive emotions and zest for life increase life expectancy
In the meta-analysis of the more than 160 studies, according to the scientists, a huge range of factors were considered. For example, a study compared the life expectancy of nuns with the feelings they had expressed as young novices in their diary entries. Others have shown in laboratory experiments that happy people on the one hand less stress hormones and on the other hand have a better immune system, the US scientists. The life-prolonging effect is so great that he can even neutralize negative factors such as overweight, explained Ed Diener and colleagues. Another of the evaluated studies had followed more than 5,000 students over a 40-year period after learning about their stress levels and satisfaction. Despite the very different research approaches, almost all the studies in the meta-analysis clearly pointed in the same direction, report Ed Diener and colleagues. Positive emotions, feelings of happiness and zest for life strengthen health and increase life expectancy, according to the US researchers.

Stress weakens the immune system
The University of Illinois scientists have made an impressive contribution to understanding the effects of happiness on health and life expectancy with their meta-study of more than 160 primary studies. They were able to confirm an approach that has long been discussed in the professional world. Positive emotions and zest for life are good for your health and extend your life span. Stress, however, should be avoided as much as possible. Animal studies have shown that stress is associated with a higher risk of heart disease, a weaker immune system and a shorter life expectancy, said Ed Diener.

The results of the US researchers also support the approach of naturopathy that physical and emotional well-being in interaction and this fact must be taken into account in medical treatment. Thus, in naturopathy in the context of Antonovsky's salutogenesis, the meaningfulness in a person's life is named as an important factor for health. Like the Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists, salutogenesis emphasizes that meaningful activities such as hobbies can help individuals better compensate for negative working conditions and stress, with correspondingly positive effects on their health. So far, normal weight, healthy diet, not smoking and exercise were considered the four classic pillars of health, now, according to the results of the meta-study, happiness may also be considered as the deciding factor, explained Ed Diener. (Fp)

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Picture: Rainer Sturm