Toxins from personal care products are visible in the urine of many men

Toxins from personal care products are visible in the urine of many men / Health News
How harmful are absorbed chemicals from care products?
Chemicals are used in the manufacture of many products. These not infrequently enter the body of the users and cause various health problems there. Researchers have now discovered that so-called phthalates and parabens, which are found in many personal care products, can also be detected in men's urine.

Certain chemicals such as phthalates and parabens are widely used in personal care products. The scientists of internationally recognized Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health found in a recent study that these chemicals are also detectable in male urine samples. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Environmental Health Perspectives".

The use of some personal care products could cause health problems for men. Researchers found that such products in men contribute to an increased concentration of phthalates and parabens in the urine. (Image: Alexander Raths - fotolia)

In which products are phthalates and parabens present?
So-called phthalates are used in as plasticizers in numerous products. The use ranges from vinyl floors to food packaging. Parabens are widely used in various personal care products, such as sunscreen and deodorants. They should extend their durability. Some of the chemicals are so-called endocrine disruptors (hormone-active substances), which can have a negative impact on the health of users.

What are endocrine disruptors??
Endocrine disruptors are substances that can alter the human hormone system. If too high a dose of these chemicals gets into the body, it can lead to damage to the health, the experts explain. Endocrine disruptors may naturally occur in the environment or be synthetically produced. The actual effects on human metabolism have been largely unexplored so far.

Physicians examine the urine samples of 400 men
For their study, the experts examined a total of 1,037 urine samples from 400 men. These men reported the use of 14 different personal care products. The urine samples were taken in the period between the year 2004 and the year 2015.

Perfumes, deodorants, sun creams and lotions contain harmful chemicals
By analyzing the urine samples, the scientists found that the highest levels of ingested phalates were associated with the use of perfumes and deodorants. The largest percentage increase in parabens was associated with the use of sunscreen and hand or body lotions. An increased concentration of these chemicals could usually be detected within just six hours of using the products, say the physicians.

Harmful chemicals are widely used in today's society
Identifying the main sources of exposure to phthalates and parabens is of paramount concern to sufferers and physicians, as the use of these chemicals is widespread in our society today and can have a negative impact on human health. Previous epidemiological studies on phthalates and parabens have so far focused primarily on women and children. For example, in one of these studies, researchers found that phthalates increase the risk of allergies in children.

Understanding of the effects of chemicals needs to be improved
There have only been a few studies on the topic of men. However, there are huge differences in the nature and frequency of exposure to chemicals between the two sexes, the researchers explain. A better understanding of the specific sources contributing to an increased concentration of phthalates and parabens is therefore urgently needed, the researchers add. (As)