Toxic Warning of fish fillets due to contained algae toxins

Toxic Warning of fish fillets due to contained algae toxins / Health News
Vietnamese red snapper fish fillet is a health risk?
Fish is generally considered healthy, especially because of the omega-3 fatty acid, which is often present. However, fish consumption sometimes entails risks. Fish poisoning is the classic example of possible health problems here. The Bavarian consumer protection ministry reports currently eleven fish poisoning, which are attributed to the consumption of Red Snapper fish fillet from Vietnam. For reasons of preventive consumer protection, the Ministry strongly advises against the consumption of fish fillet.

According to the Ministry, the "Red Snapper fish fillet from Vietnam deep-frozen, catch area Western Pacific FAO 71, Lot No: VN / 385 / III / 122 and Lot: VN / 385 / III / 124" should not be eaten. The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) also expressly warns of the risk of fish poisoning by the Red Snapper fish fillet. "This fish fillet is suspected of being contaminated with algae toxins that can cause poisoning," the official statement said.

Red snapper is a popular food fish. But warns the Bavarian State Health Office current before the consumption of Red Snapper fish fillet from Vietnam, as this can contain algae toxins and trigger fish poisoning. (Image: go2dim /

Already eleven cases of fish poisoning by Red Snapper fish fillet
According to current information, according to the Bavarian Consumer Protection Ministry, eleven cases of illness have occurred in various parts of Bavaria as a result of the consumption of Red Snapper fish fillet from Vietnam. "The disease symptoms suggest ciguatera poisoning by algae toxins," the ministry said. According to the authorities, the various symptoms of ciguatera poisoning include "diarrhea, nausea, severe vomiting associated with neurological symptoms such as headache, dizziness, sensory disturbances." Some symptoms may appear after only 30 minutes, while others may appear only after a few minutes 24 to 48 hours.

Hot-cold reversal is a typical symptom
Typical of the Ciguatera poisoning is the Bavarian State Health Office, according to a so-called hot-cold reversal. "In a hot-cold reversal, the person feels contact with warm objects as cold and contact with cold objects as warm," explain the experts. Ciguatoxins are considered to be the most potent neurotoxins and 0.1 microgram of toxin per kilogram of fish would be sufficient to induce disease in humans. It is also problematic that the toxins can not be recognized by taste, odor or texture. In addition, the Ciguatoxine cold and heat-stable, they are thus destroyed neither by freezing nor by cooking, reports the State Health Office. Also lacked until now an established laboratory chemical evidence for Ciguatoxinen.

Sales channels are still being reviewed
According to the authorities, the "Red Snapper fish fillet from Vietnam is frozen, catch area Western Pacific FAO 71, lot Lot: VN / 385 / III / 122, best before date at -18 degrees Celsius: end of 2018, fillet size 170 to 230 g / piece" and the "Red Snapper - Fish fillet from Vietnam deep-frozen, catch area West Pacific FAO 71, lot number Lot: VN / 385 / III / 124, best before date at -18 degrees Celsius: 16.07.2018, fillet size 170 to 230 g / piece" affected. According to the delivery lists, customers of the lot number Lot: VN / 385 / III / 124, which are supplied in Bavaria, are mainly catering establishments. The redemption is already underway and will be officially monitored. Lot number: VN / 385 / III / 122 will still determine the exact distribution channels, the state health department continues. For questions about the recall, a hotline has been set up at the LGL: 09131 / 6808-5101 and the current status of the ongoing investigations can be found on the LGL homepage. (Fp)