Is there a G-spot for women?

Is there a G-spot for women? / Health News

Doctor wants to have discovered the legendary G spot of the woman


Whether the latest research results of the US doctor Adam Ostrzenski are to be taken seriously, may be doubted. The Vaginal Cosmetic Surgeon wants to find the G-Spot - the legendary area in the vagina that should give the woman true sexual fulfillment. However, he carried out his investigations only on a corpse, an 83-year-old deceased who could hardly tell anything about their pleasure sensation. The proof is therefore unsuccessful.

The G-Spot Mystery
In 1950, the German physician Ernst Gräfenberg described an erogenous zone in the vagina, which ran parallel to the urethra and the woman should bring fantastic orgasms. However, Gräfenberg's version, which is the eponym of the so-called G-spot, was not included in most of the anatomy books. It is controversial whether such a zone exists at all. Since then, numerous doctors and scientists have been trying to uncover the G-spot mystery. So far without success.

Recently, the American doctor Adam Ostrzenski reported in the "Journal of Sexual Medicine" that he had uncovered the mystery and how he had managed this stroke of genius. He only autopsied a single woman's corpse, in whose vagina he had found on the anterior wall a bag-like structure that contained cavernous structures. It was about a millimeter long and three and a half millimeters wide. Towards the end, the structure is rejuvenated. With this find, it was clear to Ostrzenski that it had to be the G-spot. The fact that he was guilty of any evidence that the structure identified by him is related to the pleasure of the woman does not seem to bother the doctor too much. In contrast to many researchers, he also dissected the deeper layers exactly. In the US, Ostrzenski is considered an expert in female anatomy. He is working at the commercially-oriented Institute of Gynecology in St. Petersburg, Florida, specializing in vaginal cosmetic surgery.

The G-spot gene does not exist
According to another statement by Ostrzenski, there exists an already identified gene that is supposed to be related to the G-spot, the so-called G-spot gene. In his article, he bases this thesis on a study that should prove that the said gene is also integrated in so-called microarrays. However, a closer look at the study reveals that although a gene chip and the G point are mentioned, it means something completely different. The gene spots are short DNA sequences containing at least four guanine bases. A pleasure or G-spot gene does not appear there.

In his remarks, Ostrzenski does not describe the G-spot as Ernst Gräfenberg used to do parallel to the urethra, but aligned at an angle of 35 degrees to it. The lower end of the erogenous zone is located only three millimeters from the urethra, the upper 15 millimeters. The structure looked baggy and was surrounded by a layer of connective tissue. Within the structure, bluish, grape-like structures have been observed, similar to cavernous bodies in the area of ​​the clitoris.

Marion Kiechle, Director of the Department of Gynecology at the Technical University of Munich, told the news agency "dapd" that there have already been numerous attempts to prove the existence of the G-spot anatomically and functionally. "Particularly stubbornly, this discussion is led by those who offer injections, enlargements, relocations of the suspected G-spot themselves and thus suggest that it is possible to increase the quality of the sexual experience through these interventions," criticizes Kiechle. Ostrzenski's investigation would not contain any new findings. (Ag)

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