Are there no midwives soon?

Are there no midwives soon? / Health News

The free obstetrics in Germany is in danger: Because the professional liability insurance is out of all proportion to the merit, more and more midwives have to give up.


Will there be no free midwives in Germany in the future? As the German Midwives Association announced, the premiums for professional indemnity insurance will be raised again by 20 per cent on 1 July 2014. This would mean that a freelance midwife would have to spend 5,000 euros and more per year on insurance alone. The vast majority of free midwives will not be able to afford this and therefore give up their profession, says Birgit Dreyer, midwife and co-partner of the birthplace Eilenriede, in Hanover.

Mrs Dreyer, the situation is really so acute?
The situation is acute. There are regions in Germany that offer no extra-clinical obstetrics. In Hannover-Langenhagen, for example, the delivery room in the paracelcus clinic closed. Smaller birth houses will not be able to last much longer. And new young colleagues will no longer dare the step into freelance for reasons of existence.

Are all midwives affected??
The increase in professional indemnity insurance applies to free midwives who offer home help, birth care or as midwives. The hospital midwives are insured by the clinics, but often not enough.

Already last year there were protests? Did not these cause anything?
The protests have made us more aware of the population. Some parties have discovered us and made small requests to the Federal Government. Our fee regulation is not timely. There is no regulation with the insurance. The question is: is this monopoly position in Germany allowed at all??

What are the consequences especially for the parents??
Long and difficult births, which are also partially traumatic. Many medical interventions, interventions, medications. The babies react to it. And probably more cesarean sections.

Has there been a supply shortage??
Yes of course. On Sylt, for example, the delivery room was closed. The women have to give birth to the mainland. To solve this dilemma, the surgeons are trained in the Sylt clinic to do cesarean sections. Women are advised to make a decision.

Is it to be expected that politics will take on the topic??
Hard to answer. We hope so.

We can support you parents?
We are starting to plan nationwide actions. For example, we need more media presence. That means we have to mobilize all families who work in radio, press and television. Maybe we will go on strike, because dark times will definitely set in. Where the families should be loud. If demos are planned, everyone should always call. (Sb)