Health risks through polymedication

Health risks through polymedication / Health News

Underestimated risks through polymedication


If several medications are taken at the same time, the risk of side effects increases considerably. However, many patients are by no means aware of the potential health consequences, according to a recent study by the AOK Scientific Institute (WIdO)..

„About a quarter of those over 65 regularly take five or more medically prescribed medicines“, the WIdO reports in a recent press release. As the managing director of the institute, Jürgen Klauber, emphasized at the presentation of the new study, are „Elderly people taking multiple medications are particularly exposed to the age-specific risks of drug therapy and multiple medication.“ But according to Klauber is „just with them, the risk awareness rather low.“ Add to that, that „Often neither a doctor nor a pharmacist knows what a patient is taking and if he is following the therapy“, continues the WIdO Managing Director.

Many seniors swallow five medications or more
The AOK's scientific institute analyzed drug consumption, drug awareness, adherence to therapy and experienced drug counseling for 1,000 statutory health insured persons over the age of 65 as part of the representative study. The WIdO researchers found that 87.1 percent of surveyed over 65-year-old statutory health insurance in the last three months, medicines were prescribed and 27 percent of them took five or more different drugs, which they move in the field of polymedication. Worrying is also that in 17 percent of the over 65-year-old subjects were used drugs that are considered unsuitable for the elderly and therefore on the so-called on Priscus list, the WIdO reports, „that nearly one-third of patients with polymedication (30.4 percent) buy over-the-counter medicines themselves.“ Many seniors therefore swallow a veritable cocktail of medications without being adequately informed about the possible health consequences of polymedication.

Increased risk of side effects through polymedication
The study by the AOK Scientific Institute uncovers significant information gaps in patients. So be yourself „Only a quarter of patients with polymedication (21.9 percent) realize that older people are more prone to adverse drug reactions“, the WIdO reports in its current press release. () And just under half of „Patients with polymedication (49.3 percent) do not know that there are more side effects when taking more than one medicine“, report the researchers of the WIdO Here it would be in the opinion of the WIdO managing director, Jürgen Klauber, „which makes it all the more important that they provide patients with comprehensive advice on drug risks“ become. Especially doctors and pharmacists are encouraged to do so, „to better educate patients about drug risks.“ However, know „often neither a doctor nor a pharmacist, what a patient takes and whether he adheres to the therapy“, criticized Klauber.

Insufficient advice on polymedication by doctors and pharmacists
Also, the advice of older patients with polymedication, according to the WIdO generally seems to be able to improve. Because only half of the interviewees have been told by the family doctor on the risks of polymedication and only 41.2 percent of the subjects was from the doctor „then asked if other medicines are taken“, according to the WIdO, the percentages were much lower among the pharmacy consultants. Also in just under half of the cases (44.7 percent), the medications that are critical for senior citizens of the Priscus list were given appropriate advice by the doctor; when dispensed in the pharmacy, this was even only in 19.1 percent of patients. The importance of medical advice to patients is made clear by the fact that 71 percent of respondents said that they trust their doctor regarding prescribed medication. „Doctors and pharmacists have the power to raise patients' risk awareness. You can also increase the adherence. They should use this potential“, emphasized WIdO Managing Director Jürgen Klauber.

Deficits in adherence
The Klauber also sees a substantial point in the therapy loyalty, has a good reason. Because according to WIdO tighten „the risks of taking the medication if the therapy prescribed by the doctor is not adhered to.“ That just under a fifth of patients with polymedication in the study stated, „sometimes forgetting to take the medication“ or to terminate the intake altogether, therefore, causes the experts additional headaches. Around seven percent of respondents stated that they partially skip their medication as soon as they feel better and 6.6 percent report that they occasionally stop taking medication if they feel worse after taking it. According to the experts, however, these decisions should be urgently communicated to the doctor to avoid unnecessary health risks. (Fp)

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