Health Risks Lead found in numerous samples of baby food

Health Risks Lead found in numerous samples of baby food / Health News
Baby food is often contaminated with lead?
Our ingested food has a significant impact on health. Therefore, more and more people pay attention to a healthy diet. But what about the nutrition of our toddlers? US researchers have now found that some baby food samples contain lead.

The researchers from the Environmental Defense Fund found in their study that baby food contains partly lead - a very toxic heavy metal. It was for example in fruit juices. Biscuits and root vegetables found. The doctors published a press release on the results of their study.

Parents pay special attention to the most healthy and balanced nutrition possible with their babies. Physicians now found in a large amount of samples toxic lead in baby food and fruit juices for toddlers. (Image: Reicher /

Twenty percent of the samples tested contained toxic lead
The so-called Environmental Defense Fund is based on an analysis of the collected data from eleven years. The researchers found in 20 percent of the 2,116 samples of American baby food detectable lead. The poisonous metal was found particularly frequently in fruit juices with grapes and apples, in root vegetables and in biscuits. The focus of the organization's review was on baby foods because the lead can be particularly damaging to children's development, the authors explain.

What negative effects does lead have on people?
Lead can have a number of harmful effects on children and is especially harmful during the critical period of early development. The greatest burden is neurocognitive and can occur even at low concentrations, the experts explain. Lead could lead to problems with attention, behavior, cognitive development, the cardiovascular system and the immune system.

Food is the main source of lead exposure
The Environmental Protection Agency published a report earlier this year that over five percent of children ingest more than six micrograms of lead per day. This value is actually the maximum daily intake recommended by the Food and Drug Administration in 1993. Another analysis found that food is the main source of lead exposure in two-thirds of infants, say the physicians. For this reason, the organization was prompted to examine the Environmental Protection Agency's data for specific sources of exposure.

Cause of contamination unclear
The resulting report, which has now been published, found more exposure to lead, especially in baby food with carrots, apple juice and grape juice, compared to other foods. While the researchers were able to determine how often a contamination occurred, but it remains open, causing these impurities are created.

What was the load of the toxic metal??
The burden in baby food was 89 percent of the grape juice products, apple juice 55 percent and carrot juice 44 percent of the products. This clearly shows how often juices are contaminated with lead.

How does the lead get into the food??
Lead comes mainly through contaminated soil in our food. Probably also the processing plays a role, say the experts. It can be assumed that baby food is simply processed more, which increases the burden in addition. Further research on possible sources of contamination is now urgently needed. (As)