Health issues Does tanning bed really help with sun allergy?

Health issues Does tanning bed really help with sun allergy? / Health News
Truth or Myth: Help Solarium Visits Against Solar Allergy?
People who suffer from sun allergy are sometimes advised to go to the tanning salon to better prepare the skin for the strong sun rays. Is that true? And what else can be done?

Help visit the solarium for sun allergy?
According to health experts, the number of people experiencing allergic reactions in strong sunlight has increased in recent years. More and more children suffer from sun allergy. Those affected often get the advice to prevent the symptoms by hardening to prevent. For example, visits to the solarium should help. Is that true? What can affected people do instead? Experts have some answers.

People who suffer from sun allergy often get the advice to prevent the symptoms by curing in the tanning salon. Experts advise against it. (Image: nd3000 /

"Skin must be protected by sunscreen"
According to the German Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB), a sun allergy is usually triggered by photosensitizing substances such as cosmetics and medications in combination with UV radiation. The symptoms on the individual body parts occur hours to days, usually associated with itching, after the irradiation. According to the information, the sun allergy is mainly caused by UV-A rays, less by UV-B rays. The DAAB writes on its website: "Vorbräunen on the tanning bed brings no safe protection, because in many tanning salons usually only UV-A rays are used, the skin is missing the protective skin thickening. So tanned skin must be protected by sunscreen. "

Apply sunscreen before breakfast
According to DAAB, antihistamines are used as effective therapy as well as for prevention. Claas Ulrich, senior physician and head of the skin tumor center at the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, said in a message from the news agency dpa: "The best method is a competent and proven by clinical studies protection, for example by a medical sunscreen cream from the pharmacy." The expert According to this, it should have a dosing pump and information about how often you have to press for which part of the body. The cream is best applied before breakfast, because then the skin is not yet sweaty and the cream can move better.

Also beware of glass behind the sun
Most doctors are rather critical of tanning salons. Pre-tanning in the solarium only harms the skin, many people think. Also Ulrich advised in the dpa message persons who want to set on curing, not to go to the solarium, but to go into the hands of a dermatologist. Some dermatologists offer special treatments to prevent sun allergy. However, the UV exposure to the skin is reduced as much as possible according to skin type. Furthermore, those affected should avoid the midday sun and beware of glass in front of the sun - because UV-A rays also penetrate through panes. Scientists have recently reported that side windows in the car often provide little or no sunscreen, which can lead to skin and eye damage. (Ad)