Health house dust often contains many toxic pollutants

Health house dust often contains many toxic pollutants / Health News
Researchers find harmful substances in house dust
Are you one of those people who constantly clean and vacuum? However, many people are not so clean, they rarely dust their homes and the vacuum cleaner is not often used. This could cause serious health problems. Researchers have now found out that our house dust can contain up to 45 toxic chemicals.

Researchers at George Washington University found in an investigation that our house dust contains potentially dangerous chemicals that can cause health problems. The doctors published a press release on the results of their study.

In every apartment or house there is somewhere so-called house dust. Researchers now found out that this dust contains a lot of toxic chemicals. These can seriously damage our health. (Image: akf /

How often do you suck dust??
When was the last time you dusted your house? Of course, your answer says a lot about cleaning habits. But more importantly, the non-removed house dust can cause serious health problems. So maybe you should pick up a duster or vacuum cleaner and start cleaning it.

Ten hazardous substances contained in 90 percent of house dust
The experts at George Washington University said they found 45 toxic chemicals in our house dust. Ten of the dangerous substances are found in about 90 percent of all households. We tried to find out which chemicals are most common, the researchers say. Some of the chemicals could be detected in virtually every dust sample, explains author Dr. Ami Zota. The physician and her team analyzed all the studies that have examined the interiors of homes and apartments in the United States since 2000. It was possible to detect the presence of many potentially toxic chemicals. Two of the chemicals were found much more abundantly than the rest, the researchers explain.

Phthalates and flame retardants are the most widely used
Many of the top ten chemicals fall into the categories of so-called phthalates and flame retardants. Zota. These chemicals came from a number of things that can normally be found inside houses. For example, the chemicals came from flooring, cosmetics, baby products, furniture and nail polish.

Where can phthalates and flame retardants be found in the home?
To understand why these chemicals are found in our home, we need to look at what they are normally used for. Zota. Phthalates make plastic softer and more flexible. For this reason, they are often found in vinyl (PVC) materials. Phthalates are found in floors, blinds and food packaging, for example. Flame retardants (fire retardants) help to reduce the flammability of objects. They are intended to limit the spread of fires.

Phenols, fluorinated chemicals and fragrances also contain chemicals
Other of the chemicals found were phenols. These are used as preservatives in personal care products such as shampoo. Earlier research has already shown that many care products are contaminated with harmful chemicals. In addition, the new study often found fluorinated chemicals used to repel rust and repel water, say the experts. In addition, fragrances contained various of the harmful chemicals.

Fragrances could contain many more harmful chemicals
Unfortunately, we still know very little about the danger of fragrances. Of the chemicals in perfumes, only one was studied in the study. This could mean that many more of the chemicals could be contained in the dust, Dr. Zota.

How do the toxic substances get into our body??
How do we absorb such chemicals into our bodies? Some of the substances we can breathe in, others are absorbed through the skin, for example. Phthalates were found in the highest concentrations in the study. But flame retardants contained chemicals that are most likely to invade our bodies, the researchers say. There are certainly other ways in which harmful chemicals enter our bodies. For example, studies have some time ago found that fast food often consumes industrial chemicals.

Children especially at risk
One of the biggest concerns about the presence of these chemicals is that children are the most likely to breathe or ingest the substances. That's because they crawl a lot on the floor, touch anything and inevitably put their hands in their mouth several times a day, say the doctors. Ingestion of the substances during early development can lead to long-term negative effects that persist throughout their lifetime, Dr. Zota.

Phthalates can lead to reproductive problems
For example, phthalates can increase the risk of developing behavioral and nerve problems in children. In addition, phthalates also destroy hormones in the human body, say the scientists. This can then lead to reproductive problems. In another study, doctors recently discovered that infertility can be triggered by suntan lotion. The chemicals in the UV filter can damage sperm.

How can we reduce domestic exposure to toxic chemicals??
First, we should regularly remove the dust at home. The best way to do this is to use a high-performance vacuum cleaner (HEPA = High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter) instead of a feather duster, according to US experts. So we can ensure that all dust particles are sucked out. In addition, we should wash our hands regularly because, for example, flame retardants can be found on the surfaces of furniture.

Further research and stricter regulations are needed
However, we need much more research to better understand which chemicals we are exposed to at home. There must also be changes at the political level, say the authors. Prohibitions must lead to better regulation of chemicals. There is a global danger from toxic chemicals. The problem does not just affect people in the United States. The chemicals have also been detected in homes in the UK and other European countries, Dr. Zota. Since the European Union has different chemical regulations than the United States, the average level of some of the chemicals could be different here than in the US. (As)