Health Hastily food makes you sick

Health Hastily food makes you sick / Health News

Hectic meals: So unhealthy is hasty food

In the morning, a sandwich while standing, a quick snack on the way to work and in the office quickly on the way grabbing a bite down: Stress and bustle also affects our eating habits. This, in turn, has an impact on health.

Fast food can make you sick

Anyone who slips down his food, we rather overweight. But hasty food has even more negative effects on our health, as Japanese researchers have found in a study. They have found that quick food could also benefit strokes, heart disease and diabetes, among other things.

If you lose your food quickly, you become overweight faster and develop a metabolic syndrome. For a meal, you should therefore take enough time. (Image: JenkoAtaman /

Increased risk of obesity

Preliminary research has been presented at a California American Heart Association (AHA) conference that concludes that people who eat slowly are less likely to become obese than fast-eater and less likely to develop a metabolic syndrome.

The four main risks of the metabolic syndrome - severe obesity, high blood pressure, high blood sugar and disturbed fat metabolism - are associated with an increased risk of diseases such as stroke, heart disease and diabetes.

According to a statement from the AHA, cardiologist Takayuki Yamaji from the University of Hiroshima and his team had studied over 1,000 healthy Japanese for the long-term study.

The researchers found that after five years 11.6 percent of the fast-eaters were suffering from metabolic syndrome.

For those subjects who ate slower than normal, the score dropped to 2.3 percent.

Prevent metabolic syndrome

"Slowing down to eating can be a crucial lifestyle change to prevent the metabolic syndrome," says Takayuki Yamaji. "When people eat fast, they do not tend to feel full and tend to eat too much."

The study author believes that the results of the study could also be applied to the American population.

According to Dr. Nieca Goldberg, a cardiologist and spokesperson for the American Heart Association, has also shown earlier studies that hurried eating may be associated with higher weight and health issues.

If you eat fast, you probably eat more. "When they eat slowly, they are more aware of their food. They chew their food properly and also slow down the digestion, "Goldberg told the magazine" Time ".

This makes you feel rather full. Another benefit: eating at rest can prevent bloating.

Spend time eating

According to the physician, it would be ideal to schedule at least 30 minutes for a meal. Eating while working is one of the worst things you can do.

It is best to eat in the kitchen, in the dining room or in the restaurant. And if at the desk, then without working at the same time.

"Even if it only takes half an hour, it's better than ten minutes while e-mails are answered," says the AHA spokeswoman.

She suggests eating with a friend, cutting the food into smaller pieces, chewing more, breathing deeply and laying the fork between the bites. (Ad)