Health through herbs

Health through herbs / Health News

Christian custom: health and well-being through herbs.

Today herbs were dedicated in many rural areas of Bavaria before the service. Because the 15th of August is after the faith of the catholic church "Assumption". On this day, according to the New Testament, God took the mother of Jesus into the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, many Christians celebrate this day traditionally with the consecration of medicinal herbs.

Once the herbs are consecrated, they are drunk as teas and mixed with the animal feed. This is intended to strengthen the health of humans and animals. Especially in rural areas, this Catholic custom is still practiced very intensively.

But why are herbs consecrated on Assumption Day? This is related to the fact that most of the medicinal herbs can always be harvested in August. According to ancient tradition, the herbs are very effective in this time and develop their healing powers.

The following herbs are bound together in the consecrated shrubs: Alant, St. John's wort, mugwort, yarrow, chamomile, thyme, valerian, mullein, wormwood and verbena.

Not only in the Catholic Church, but also in natural medicine find medicinal herbs numerous therapeutic applications. For example, valerian and L-tryptophan are used in sleep disorders. Chamomile has an anti-bacterial, calming effect and is also a blood-purifying remedy. St. John's wort is u.a. Used in depressive moods or internal restlessness. Most herbs can be processed into tea and drunk. For the treatment of illnesses, however, a health practitioner or doctor should always be consulted, so that a corresponding treatment is also successful. (Sb)

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Picture: Uschi Dreiucker