Health Dill and parsley protect against cancer

Health Dill and parsley protect against cancer / Health News
The consumption of certain garden herbs brings health benefits
Can decorating our food with parsley and dill help protect us from cancer? Researchers have now discovered that these garden herbs contain ingredients that can prevent the formation of dangerous tumors. When dill and parsley come together, the two herbs form an association with properties that can protect against cancer.

Simple herbs from the garden can protect us from cancer. Researchers at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology have now discovered that combined consumption of dill and parsley protects against cancer. The experts published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of Natural Products".

Garden herbs refine the taste of many meals. Researchers now realized that Dill and Petersillie can do much more. They contain ingredients that protect us from cancer. (Image: Leonid Nyshko /

Positive effects of garden herbs
Garden herbs have some positive effects on our body. For example, parsley can prevent bad breath. It also strengthens our immune system and some people even claim that parsley also helps with hair loss. Dill, on the other hand, helps combat free radicals and strengthens bones, say the experts. Thus, parsley and dill provide a wealth of benefits to human health.

Antimitotic substance inhibits cancer growth
There is now evidence that parsley and dill even have the potential to fight cancer. The researchers found that both garden herbs contain Glaziovianin A. The same chemical is currently extracted from leaves of a Brazilian tree (Ateleia glazioviana Baill). The substance is antimitotic and can inhibit the growth of tumors by interfering with the process of cell division or mitosis, the Russian scientists explain.

Researchers find simple way to produce Glaziovianin A.
The search for innovative treatment approaches is an essential part of the fight against cancer. The results of the study could improve existing therapies, said Professor Alexander Kiselev of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Our team has now developed a simple method to produce Glaziovianin A, which can inhibit the growth of human tumor cells, said Kisselev.

Chemotherapy is currently still the main treatment for cancer
Currently, so-called chemotherapy is the main treatment for cancer. This involves a complex process involving the disruption of cell division and the inhibition of the growth of cancer cells, explain the physicians. But there are always new findings about the tumor disease. For example, scientists recently found in an independent study that brain tumors need fat for growth. In addition, surprisingly, another study found that academics are more likely to contract brain tumors.

Existing types of treatment could be improved
The simple ability to produce glaziovianin A could lead to better drugs, say the authors. Nowadays it is not only important to find new mechanisms against cancer, but also to improve existing treatments, explains Professor Kiselev. Glaziovianin A can inhibit the growth of cancer and can be made from a cheap raw material.

Doctors hope to develop new, more effective medicine
The new type of cancer treatment procedure would be cheaper than the existing methods, explain the doctors. The reason for this is that parsley and dill form generally available starting materials and also in the synthesis only a minimum number of steps would be needed. We hope to be able to develop a new medicine based on parsley and dill glaziovianin A, which will be used in the future to treat cancers more effectively, adds Professor Kiselev. (As)