Healthier skin through these foods

Healthier skin through these foods / Health News
The skin is the largest human organ and performs a number of important tasks, such as the heat regulation and the perception of stimuli. At the same time, she is exposed daily to a variety of stress factors that have an adverse effect on the appearance of the skin and can lead, among other things, to wrinkles, pimples and facial blemishes. But that does not have to be, because the right nutrition can help the skin effectively. In an interview with the news agency "dpa" experts give tips on what you can do for a beautiful and healthy complexion.
The skin is exposed to many harmful influences
Whether protection from external influences, temperature and humidity regulation, perception of e.g. Warmth, cold and touch or the immune system: the skin fulfills a variety of tasks and, with an area of ​​about two square meters and a weight of about ten kilograms, at the same time the largest organ of the body dar. But there are many influences, such as " Poison "on our skin and can lead to internal and external damage. These include external stresses such as pollution, inclement weather and UV rays, but also internal stress factors such as stress, lack of sleep, an unfavorable diet or hormone fluctuations that negatively affect the appearance of the skin and make us look tired, pale and sickly.

These foods heal the skin. Picture: zb89v - fotolia

Free radicals can cause severe cell damage
Many of these influences are so damaging because they cause the body to produce too many harmful "free radicals". Although the body can fight this to some extent itself, if the load becomes too great, the oxygen molecules can no longer be trapped and lead to massive cell damage. But the skin's resistance can be strengthened by the right diet, because vitamin C and E, beta-carotene, and the trace elements selenium and zinc help the body to ward off the harmful effects and are therefore referred to as "antioxidants".

Too much zinc can lead to hair loss
In general, care should be taken to eat as healthy and varied as possible and to absorb many vital substances, because "those who eat too one-sidedly run the risk of getting skin problems," says Christiane Bayerl to the "dpa". The body therefore needs the trace elements calcium, zinc and magnesium, which are found mainly in vegetables and cereals as well as in meat and dairy products for a healthy skin structure. However, too much zinc can lead to hair loss, warns the specialist in skin and venereal diseases and director of the Department of Dermatology and Allergology to the Helios. Horst Schmidt clinics in Wiesbaden.

However, the risk of "overdose" does not exist with a normal, balanced diet, but only if zinc is also taken in addition. Therefore, it is advisable to use supplements only after a consultation with the specialist, the expert continues. How important vitamins and minerals are for a healthy and beautiful skin, also knows Gabriele Graf of the consumer center NRW in Dusseldorf: "Vitamin A is needed for example for the renewal of skin cells and occurs in milk, carrots or fish."

Vitamin C, which helps to build up collagen fibers in connective tissue and helps to neutralize free radicals, is mainly present in strawberries and citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits. Rich in vitamin E, which protects the cell membranes and protects the skin from, among other things, UV damage, is known e.g. Hazelnuts, sunflower oil and redcurrants. Vitamins of the B group - such as biotin - also provide the skin with builders and are e.g. contained in egg yolk, lentils, soybeans, spinach and in milk and milk products in a particularly high degree.

Also fat is essential for a healthy complexion
In addition to proteins and fats are important for a beautiful skin, because "proteins and their components, the amino acids, are important for the strength of the skin," explains the health expert. Well suited suppliers include milk and dairy products, legumes (such as lentils, beans), nuts, and fish and lean meats. Rapeseed or walnut oil, herring, mackerel or salmon are also recommended for a healthy diet, because they contain unsaturated fatty acids, which the skin needs, among other things, to use fat-soluble vitamins. According to the expert fat is also needed for the development of cells, so for a flawless skin a balanced and varied diet is important.

As with all foods, the protein should always be taken to the right level. Because who takes too many proteins, risk skin blemishes and acne. "Also huge amounts of burgers, chips and sausage fats can lead to impure skin", emphasizes Margret Morlo of the federation for nutrition and dietetics (VFED). Therefore, according to the Dermatology Professor shopping should be paid to buy food with as few additives. "You can tell that by reading the ingredient list of foods," she explains.

Skin as a mirror of the soul
For a beautiful skin should also be paid to adequate drinking. Here, experts recommend especially mineral or tap water, because the water is important for the tension of the skin ("skin turgor"), improves blood circulation and stimulates the metabolism, explains Bayerl. Alternatively, according to Margret Morlo also unsweetened herbal and fruit teas can be drunk, as are fruit juice spritzers from a portion of juice and three parts of water, as they also serve as a supplier of vitamins and minerals.

Last but not least, the skin image is always an indicator of our physical condition and as a "reflection of the soul" gives an indication of how we really are at heart. Accordingly, it is also important for a beautiful skin to look for a healthy "inner balance" and to avoid risk factors such as stress, worry and lack of sleep. Anyone who feels constantly tense or finds it difficult to sleep in the evenings, can learn various stress reduction techniques and methods to relax faster and easier. Eligible here are e.g. Yoga, meditation or autogenic training, "also a lot of exercise in the fresh air can do a lot for personal well-being," adds Graf. (No)