Healthy strawberries refreshingly different with balsamic vinegar and basil
Try something new: combine delicious strawberries with balsamic
The strawberry season is in full swing. The delicious fruits can be harvested in mild regions from May and into September. The best taste of the berries, when they come freshly harvested on the table or directly in the mouth. But the red fruits can also be combined well with other things - for example with balsamic vinegar.
Strawberries are among the most popular fruits of the Germans
Strawberries are the summer fruit for many Germans. Although the fruits are now available in every season, but the best taste of the goods from the local cultivation. The strawberry season started just a few weeks ago. Experts advise to store the fruit for a maximum of two days. Most Germans like strawberries the most. The fruits can also be combined well with other foods. Among other things with balsamic vinegar.
The best strawberries are for strawberries - when they are freshly harvested on the table or directly in the mouth. But you can also combine them with other things, for example with balsamic vinegar. (Image: Tim UR / of healthy ingredients
"Nothing can surpass the fragrance and the full aroma of local fruits, because strawberries from near-market production can ripen until the end of the plant," writes the Federal Association of Producer Organizations (BVEO) in a press release.
"Another advantage is that the ripe fruits also have a higher content of vitamins, minerals and bioactive substances," it continues.
In fact, strawberries are full of healthy ingredients. Even with 120 grams of fruit, the daily vitamin C requirement of an adult can be met.
In addition, they contain a lot of folic acid and numerous minerals such as potassium and magnesium, which strengthen the heart.
Even those who pay attention to the slim line can easily eat strawberries. They contain just 32 calories per 100 grams.
There is obviously a lot more health potential in the fruit. For example, scientists from Italy found evidence that a strawberry extract could protect against breast cancer.
Unusual combination
The most popular are the delicious berries. But also for smoothies, cakes or other sweet food, the fruit is often used.
Combining strawberries with vinegar, on the other hand, seems like a very daring combination. But the recipe for "balsamic strawberries", which the BVEO reveals on their website, has it all.
It takes 250 grams of strawberries, which are washed and sliced and then spread on small plates or bowls. Then add two to three tablespoons of dark balsamic vinegar and three teaspoons of sugar and mix everything together.
The mixture should be left for about an hour in a cool place. Meanwhile, wash a sprig of basil, shake it dry and pluck the leaves.
"Balsamic strawberries sprinkle with basil, grind and enjoy with some pepper at will," writes the BVEO. The sweetness of the fruit is especially noticeable due to the acidity of the vinegar. (Ad)