Healthy and delicious Small turnips taste particularly tender

Healthy and delicious Small turnips taste particularly tender / Health News
Local winter vegetables: Pick small specimens from swede
Even in winter, a lot of local vegetables can be found on the weekly markets. An absolute insider tip are turnips: a combination of beets and cabbage. A consumer information service reveals which turnips are delicious and how best to prepare them.
Swedes: tasty and healthy
The good old rutabaga is a winter vegetable that is a perfect source of energy due to its high grape sugar content. In addition, there are plenty of minerals in the meat such as calcium and potassium as well as vitamin C. Last but not least, turnips are very low in calories. The consumer information service aid in Bonn explained in a message from the news agency dpa, among other things, what should be considered when buying.

Healthy and tasty: rutabaga. Image: TwilightArtPictures - fotolia

Small turnips with smooth skin
According to the experts, purchasers of turnips are best for small, smooth-skinned individuals. These are usually more tender than larger ones and taste especially fresh. Turnips are a cross between turnips and cabbage.

The vegetables can be found at weekly markets, in farm shops and in well-stocked supermarkets. According to aid, it is important during cooking that the cooking time does not exceed 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the size. The vegetables lose nutrients and develop an unpleasant cabbage-like taste when cooked too long. Delicious recipes, for example for a turnip stew, can be found on the Internet. (Ad)