Clean facial skin twice a day

Clean facial skin twice a day / Health News

Twice a day: clean facial skin not only in the evening


In order to make his facial skin more receptive to the ingredients of care products, you should clean them not only in the evening but twice a day. Excessive hygiene should be avoided, otherwise skin problems threaten.

Facial skin becomes more receptive
By cleaning your facial skin, you make it more receptive to the ingredients of care products. These can then penetrate more easily into the skin and thus develop their effect better. This is what the industry association for personal care and laundry detergent in Frankfurt has pointed out in a press release dpa news agency. However, it is believed by many that the evening cleaning is sufficient, because what should pollute the skin until the next morning?

Sweat can clog pores
The answer is simple: sweat. Everyone also sweats during sleep. And that can clog your pores. According to the experts, if you have particularly sensitive skin, the cleaning products should be mild, so that the regular use twice a day does not irritate. Ideally, the skin is then treated with a cream or lotion. Many experts advise against exaggerated hygiene, however, because too frequent washing, for example, promotes the development of pimples and blackheads. More and more people rely on basic body care, which should put an acid mantle around the skin. (Ad)