Trial woman severely disabled after bad birth

Trial woman severely disabled after bad birth / Health News
Woman suing clinic: Disabled since birth of the child
The birth of her baby had serious consequences for a young mother. She suffered severe injuries at birth and is unable to work today and is severely disabled. The woman blames the clinic and claims damages. Now the case is to be heard in court.

Serious injuries during delivery
In recent months it has been reported that there are fewer and fewer "natural" births. Almost every third child in Germany is born by caesarean section. Many health experts believe that such figures are far too high and have therefore demanded better education about caesarean sections and more natural births. A woman in Bonn was refused a caesarean section in a clinic, according to her own information. She was so seriously injured at birth that she has been disabled ever since. The young mother complained against the hospital. Now the process should take place.

Absolute "horror birth". Plaintiff calls for compensation. Picture: sudok1 - fotolia

Unable to work and severely disabled
When a young woman gave birth to her daughter in a hospital in Bonn on January 5, 2012, she suffered severe birth injuries. As reported by "", the now 28-year-old was subsequently operated on twice, but the effects of the damage continue. Today, the woman is incapacitated and 50 percent severely disabled. According to the portal, the former surgical assistant receives an occupational disability pension since spring 2013. She complains before the district court on payment of at least 30,000 euros in compensation. In addition, the clinic should pay for the resulting damages.

The unborn needed more space than usual
The young mother raises serious allegations against the clinic. So her daughter with an over-the-face arm located in the birth canal and thus needed more space than usual. In addition, in a previous ultrasound examination, the weight of the unborn daughter was calculated incorrectly. Instead of the stated 3,300 grams, the child weighed 4,200 grams. The 28-year-old is sure that in the clinic were bothered and appropriate measures were missed.

Clinic denies the allegations
Although the plaintiff has requested several times after a caesarean, she was denied this in the hospital. And the episiotomy performed by the midwife after finding out the complicated position of the baby was not, in the opinion of the woman, long enough. On the part of the hospital, the allegations are denied. The report from "" states that the treatment was appropriate. The young woman had never asked for a caesarean section, for which there was no medical reason. An expert commissioned by the court could not find any misbehavior of the medical staff. For the upcoming process a lot of witnesses are invited. (Ad)