Judgment ban on the sale of Bayern egg

Judgment ban on the sale of Bayern egg / Health News
Administrative court confirms decision of the authorities in full
The Salmonella-suspected company "Bayern egg" may continue to sell eggs no longer than food. This informed on Thursday the government of Lower Bavaria. Accordingly, the ban on sales is now also legally confirmed and will be monitored by the competent food control authorities. The company, led by Stefan Pohlmann, has often been in conflict with the law in the past, including animal cruelty and violation of food law.

Bayern eggs may no longer be sold. Picture: mimadeo - fotolia

Good day for consumer protection in Bavaria
Success in the fight against the scandal company "Byern-Ei": As the government of Lower Bavaria announces, the ban on the sale of eggs continues. At the beginning of August, food inspectors of the Landratsämter had, in coordination with the Ministry of Consumer Protection, "imposed an immediate ban on the marketing of eggs as food," it continues. Bayern egg had appealed against this ban.

"The court has fully confirmed the legal opinion of the authorities. This is a good day for consumer protection in Bavaria, "said the government's statement on the decision of the administrative court. As a result, the company headquartered in Aiterhofen near Straubing is unlikely to sell eggs as food on the market. The ban would be monitored by the competent authorities.

Eggs can be delivered to the competent authority
By prior notification to the competent local authority, eggs of the company with the designation "K3 - Not for human consumption" could be delivered. The loading takes place under the control of the competent district administrative authority, then the transport vehicles would be sealed according to the information. (No)