Serene and slim by proper chewing

Serene and slim by proper chewing / Health News

Serene and slim by proper chewing


Two-thirds of Germans are overweight - and most people know exactly where the cause lies: eating under time pressure, over-serving, fast food. For many, the road leads from the love handles over diseases such as hypertension to burn-out. But diets bring only short-lived success or are not even begun because the will to persist is missing. Here, a cuddle training can be the first step on the right track.

Why this simple measure can do so much Adrian Schulte, specialist in general medicine, natural remedies and Mayr Prevent® doctor. „Chewing is necessary for complete digestion. Only those who adequately salivate and mince their food give the bowels a chance to do their job thoroughly. And anyone who chews every bite into porridge eats less and gets a good, long-lasting satiety. Since it is not difficult to lose weight.“

The idea of ​​Kauschulung comes from F. X. Mayr, founder of the same diagnosis and therapy. The concept is as simple as it is effective: Extensive chewing not only triggers the regulation of the digestive process. There are also many quite desirable side effects: Who has his mouth full, does not speak. One comes to rest and perceives its degree of saturation much earlier and more consciously. But the quality of the food is much more in the foreground. So it is suddenly much easier to turn to high-quality, nutrient-rich foods. In addition, the break from everyday life, which allows a relaxed meal, an effective anti-stress therapy.

Once you have reached this point, it will be easier to integrate the remaining aspects of a Mayr therapy into your daily routine: adequate consumption of water and tea between meals - not included, as well as a dietary intake according to physical performance and rest periods that serve the self-perception.

Incidentally, a Mayr therapy does not only work against fat deposits. Also, a variety of diseases that are at first glance in no relation to the intestine, improves significantly after a Mayr cure. These include eczema, diabetes, hypertension or arthrosis. (Pm)

Picture: Rudolf Ortner