Do not put boiled potatoes in trash cans

Do not put boiled potatoes in trash cans / Health News

Better to process leftovers the next day to delicious dishes


If potatoes are left over from lunch, these should by no means be thrown away. Instead, the leftovers can be used to quickly and easily prepare tasty dishes that will provide a change the next day.

Healthy tuber can be prepared in a variety of ways
Whether for spinach, roast and vegetables, as a salad, soup or with freshly prepared herbal quark: potatoes are regularly on the menu of many people and thanks to many important nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium and iron not only delicious, but also healthy. Remains left over after eating, this should therefore not land in the garbage can, but instead to be processed into delicious dishes. This saves a lot of work and effort, while at the same time helping to prevent food from being thrown away too quickly and unnecessarily, as is often the case.

initiative „The potato. Very tasty.“ offers ideas and recipes
If boiled potatoes remain, the initiative recommends „The potato. Very tasty.“ of
Landesverband der Kartoffelkaufleute Rheinland-Westphalen e.V., for example, the preparation of fried potatoes. For this delicious classic potatoes should be fried in butter lard or tasteless oil, it is important to note that the fat is first heated properly. If this were not done, the panes would simply soak up and could no longer be crispy, according to the initiative, which is funded by the Ministry of Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture and Nature and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia. If the slices are brown, they are turned, if necessary, onions or bacon can now be added, finally, finally, the seasoning with pepper and salt.

Gratin as a delicious variation for the next day
Also a gratin offers, according to the potato experts, a delicious way to process leftovers. For this purpose, for two people in the first step about half a kilo of potatoes are cut into thin slices and fan-shaped in a casserole dish. Now 250 milliliters of cream with nutmeg, salt and pepper are mixed and poured evenly over the potatoes, then the whole thing is sprinkled with grated cheese and baked for about an hour in a preheated oven (180 degrees).

Potato dumplings from leftover puree
Was there for lunch mashed potatoes, this can be varied for the next day delicious. Here recommends „The potato. Very tasty.“ for example, potato dumplings, for which the puree is supplemented by one or two eggs and a small amount of flour and seasoned with salt, pepper and a pinch of nutmeg. After all is well stirred, small taler are formed from the porridge, which are then fried in hot oil in the pan from both sides golden brown. However, amateur chefs should be careful, because the Taler swim in too much oil, they fall apart quickly. (No)

Picture: PhotoHiero