Common Side Effects Does the Keto Diet Increase the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes?

Common Side Effects Does the Keto Diet Increase the Risk of Type 2 Diabetes? / Health News

How does the keto diet affect type 2 diabetes??

A so-called keto diet involves very low levels of carbohydrates and high fat intake. Actually, people should simply lose weight through this diet, but apparently the keto diet also has a major disadvantage. Researchers now found that the keto diet can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

The scientists of the ETH Zurich and the University Children's Hospital Zurich found in their current study that if people make a keto diet, they increase their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The physicians published the results of their study in the English journal "Journal of Physiology".

More and more people worldwide are suffering from type 2 diabetes. A so-called keto diet seems to increase the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes. (Image: PhotographyByMK /

Type 2 diabetes causes big costs

Recently there have been repeated statements about the positive effects of the keto diet. However, experts have now found that such a diet can have dangerous consequences for those affected. It may seem to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a growing challenge for modern society because more and more people are becoming ill with diabetes, resulting in ever-greater healthcare costs.

Why does the keto diet increase the risk of diabetes?

The keto diet is so named because it puts the body in a metabolic state where it is driven by the metabolism of fat rather than glycolysis. A side effect of ketogenic diets is that such diets hinder the process of controlling blood sugar levels and produce insulin resistance. However, if the liver is unable to respond to normal levels of insulin to control blood sugar, it could increase the risk of type 2 diabetes, the researchers explain.

Further research is needed

Diabetes is one of the biggest health problems, says study author Christian Wolfrum from ETH Zurich. Although it is known that ketogenic diets are healthy, the results indicate that there may be an increased risk of insulin resistance in this type of diet, which can lead to type 2 diabetes. The next step is to try to identify the mechanism for this effect and to investigate if it is a physiological adaptation.

Restricting your diet can cause problems

The hypothesis is that when fatty acids are metabolized, their products have an important signaling function in the brain. This study recalls that any extreme restriction of nutrition can cause unforeseen problems. People benefit from a wide variety of food and limiting a single group of these foods will normally cause problems in the long term.

Carbohydrate-reduced diets affect gut health

Many people make carbohydrate-reduced diets that limit the absorption of plant and fiber, which has a negative effect on gut health. Extreme diets lead to various risks, but there is still little data on their long-term effects, the experts concluded. (As)