Is DGE going against Uwe Knop?

Is DGE going against Uwe Knop? / Health News

Does the German Nutrition Society (DGE) against Uwe Knop before unjustified??

After a press release by the author Uwe Knop („Hunger and desire“- The first book on culinary body intelligence) is the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) by theirManaging Director Helmut Oberritter demand that Knop no longer be allowed to use a quote in the future. The quote comes from the spokeswoman for the DGE, Antje Gahl, and was published in February 2010 in Reutlinger Generalanzeiger. Gahl said that „quite fundamentally and for healthy people“ Knops theses would probably vote.

Knop believes that today's well-established mind-based diet is causing more problems. For this he has critically examined about 500 studies on the subject of nutrition within three years and found that there is no scientifically proven evidence for dietary rules and dietary promises. He advocates an intuition-led diet that strengthens the self-esteem of every person. The same applies to the DGE as Knop that a division into healthy and unhealthy food does not make sense.

Uwe Knop is in his book published in vito by Eichborn's publisher bod (books on demand)
to consider that it is better to listen to your own body feelings hungry and lust and just to eat Christmas with a good conscience everything, what a taste. He demands „mature diners“, follow the unkostered dietary rules and regain their appetite for their own hunger and satiety. Knop has the quote from Gahl from the Reutlinger Generalanzeiger in his book „Hunger and desire“ used. It remains to be seen how the DGE will react to Knop's press release today. (tf, 17.11.2010)

Also read:
Hunger and lust of Uwe Knop
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