Brain region slows down aging

Brain region slows down aging / Health News

A brain region can obviously influence the aging process


New York scientists were able to identify a region in the human brain that, among other things, influences the aging process. By injecting a protein into mice, researchers were able to slow their aging by about 20 percent.

„Who wants to live forever“
„Who wants to live forever“ asked the rock band Queen in one of her hits. Eternal life would probably seek no one, a prolonged youth but many would like. In addition to human DNA, the key could be in the brain as well. Scientists at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York have discovered a region in the brain that affects the aging process in mice. This region is located in the hypothalamus, a section of the diencephalon. This brain region can be blocked by an injection of the protein nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells and by the hormone GnRH. In mice, the aging process could be slowed down by about 20 percent. Study author Dongsheng Cai, Professor of Molecular Pharmacology, said: „Our study supports international strategies to slow down aging by influencing the hypothalamus.“ The hypothalamus is the most important control center of the autonomic nervous system and controls, among other things, growth, reproduction and metabolism. Scientists also think it possible that this brain region has an influence on the process of aging.

Slower aging also possible in humans?
The researchers are still unclear whether the test results obtained on mice can also be transferred to the human brain. However, in this case, a pioneering step in medicine would be accomplished. The scientists were not only able to slow down the aging of the cells with the GnRH hormone, but also to prevent the loss of cognitive abilities, ie mental perception. However, the researchers do not yet know how the aging process in humans and animals works exactly. However, it is assumed that an interaction of different processes in the body. Years ago, American scientists were able to identify human genes that influence the rate of aging. In any case, the new insights can help to better understand the process of aging. Although aging can not be stopped, a healthy lifestyle can help you to stay healthy and fit well into old age. (Sb)

Picture: Mandy