Brain Performance Tea enjoyment quickly enhances our creativity

Brain Performance Tea enjoyment quickly enhances our creativity / Health News

Physicians are studying how tea consumption affects overall creativity

Do you sometimes have trouble finding creative ways to solve a problem, or do you even feel like you're not very creative in general? Then there could be a simple solution to your problem. Just drink more tea. Researchers found that tea consumption boosts creativity.

Peking University scientists have found in their recent research that tea consumption has a positive impact on overall creativity. The researchers published the results of their study in the English-language journal "Food Quality and Preference".

Consumption of tea seems to cause creativity to improve immediately after consumption. (Image: amenic181 /

Just makes tea awake or does consumption really affect creativity?

For example, if people in everyday life run out of creative ideas in their jobs, they might want to try drinking more tea. According to experts, the favorite drink of the British really seems to boost general creativity. But what is the explanation for this effect? Here it is reasonable to suppose that contained caffeine causes the increased creativity, because the tea drinkers are simply more alert and cheerful. But it's not that easy to explain the effect.

Researchers are studying the effects of consuming tea on 50 volunteers

The study titled "Drinking tea improves the performance of divergent creativity" encompasses two different experiments. A total of 50 students took part in the study, averaging 23 years of age. In both experiments, the participating subjects were first divided into two groups. One group drank only water, the other group got tea as a drink. It was observed that subjects from the tea-drinking group were generally more creative.

Teekonsum actually improves creativity in different attempts

In the first attempt, the physicians used a task in which the participants had to build a creative as possible construction blocks. So the creativity in terms of spatial perception should be checked.

The results showed that the tea-drinking subjects exhibited better spatial creativity in the ten minutes immediately after consuming tea compared to the tea-drinking participants. The second attempt was about creative naming for a restaurant. So should be examined how the consumption of tea affects the creativity in so-called semantic tasks. Again, the results of the study showed that tea-drinking people achieved higher scores in these tasks.

Effect occurs immediately after consuming tea

However, with regard to the effects, it should be noted that all findings were reported in the ten minutes immediately after consumption of the tea, say the authors. This effect occurs so quickly that active ingredients such as caffeine and theanine can not be effective during this time. Caffeinated drinks such as coffee or so-called energy drinks were not studied in the study. However, creativity is not the same as the stimulating effect of these drinks, the experts explain.

Drink more tea to become more creative

Overall, there was a clear promotion of creativity through the use of tea. So if you need a creative solution to existing problems, just have a cup of tea, enjoy the drink, and try to solve the problem immediately after consumption. (As)