For eating mosquitoes, eat cabbage instead of perfume

For eating mosquitoes, eat cabbage instead of perfume / Health News

Because of mosquitoes do without perfumes


Laue summer evenings not only attract people to the outdoors. Even mosquitoes like to frolic on the terrace, in the beer garden or in the meadow. In order to get through the summer as possible without mosquito bites, the German Wildlife Foundation advises to abstain from perfume and to eat cabbage dishes.

Mosquitoes are attracted to perfume
For this summer, experts expect especially many mosquitoes. The culprit is the weeks of continuous rainfall and the flood disaster with its extensive floodplains, which form ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes. In addition, the high humidity due to the sudden onset of heat, also an optimal condition for the growth of mosquito larvae.

If you want to protect yourself from mosquito bites, you should follow the tips of the German Wildlife Foundation. Thus, neither the blood type nor the sex of a human being has an effect on whether someone is stung more often by mosquitoes. Statements like „I have sweet blood“ are also no justification, according to the Foundation. „Other fragrances, on the other hand, almost attract the plague spirits“, reports Eva Goris from the German Wild Animal Foundation. Above all, a strong carbon dioxide-containing breath, perfumed skin and certain decomposition products of sweat act almost as attractants to mosquitoes.

Who would like to avoid the red, itchy wheals on the skin, should therefore refrain from perfume. Goris even recommends washing with water instead of perfumed shower gels in the morning.

Breathing smell after cabbage keeps mosquitoes off
Mückenweibchen, in contrast to the males sting, are also attracted by strong carbon dioxide-containing breath odor that arises for example after a rice meal, reports Gori. Cabbage seems to deter the little bloodsuckers. Mosquitoes are also attracted to sweaty feet, as the decomposition of sweat produces ammonium and butyric acid, which are considered attractants.

Even clothing does not protect against mosquito bites. Because the thin Stechrüssel can even pierce through thick jeans. Even if anti-mosquito spray was previously sprayed on the legs, the animals are not held, as mosquitoes smell with their feet. For example, if you are sitting on a pair of jeans, you only smell the denim but not that anti-mosquito remedy on the wrapped legs. As a result, they mostly sting anyway. A special spray that works on textiles could be a solution.

What helps against mosquito bites
If the mosquito then stabbed despite all precautions, fresh mosquito bites should be disinfected immediately. This prevents pathogens from getting into the open skin area. Especially with high humidity unpleasant and even dangerous skin reactions can occur. The European Foundation for Allergy Research (ECARF) in Berlin therefore advises not to scratch the mosquito bite.

In addition, a damp-cold cloth, which is repeatedly soaked in cold water, helps to cool the affected skin and relieve the itching. Ice cubes should be avoided, as these can cause frostbite to the skin. Even an ointment from the pharmacy can be used, but usually does not look better than a cool cloth.

In some people, mosquito bites are very swollen and cause more discomfort. Most sufferers then suffer from a hypersensitivity to the proteins in mosquito saliva. Although a mosquito allergy is not as dangerous as an allergy to wasp venom, sufferers should quickly go to the doctor if they have symptoms such as circulatory problems, fever, shortness of breath or vomiting. However, these complaints rarely occur. More often sufferers suffer from insomnia and reduced efficiency during the day.

Picture: Peashooter