Help against heat rash in the baby zinc ointment

Help against heat rash in the baby zinc ointment / Health News

In case of heat rash apply zinc ointment thinly to the affected skin


When the baby experiences a heat rash, parents should quickly bring their child to a cool and shady place. Against the skin irritation, zinc ointment can be applied thinly to the affected skin. Lightweight and loose cotton clothing is also recommended when temperatures rise. Monika Niehaus of the Professional Association of Paediatricians advises.

How parents can treat heat rash in the child
Heat rash in the baby is a sign that the child is too warm. „In order to avoid a heat rash, parents should prefer loose and light cotton clothing in the summer and avoid sweating. Powders and care products should be used sparingly so as not to block the pores additionally“, explains Monika Niehaus, from the professional association of paediatricians (BVKJ). „Especially in babies and toddlers, the pores are still very small, so they can easily clog in heat. Then, when the clothes are too warm, tight and rubs, quickly forms a heat rash in the form of itchy little red pustules.“

Then parents should bring their children to a cool and shady place. According to Niehaus, zinc ointment, which should be applied thinly to the affected areas of the skin, is suitable for the treatment of skin irritation. Frequently, silica gel is also recommended. After washing, the skin should only be dabbed lightly and dried in the air, the doctor advises.

If the heat rash has not subsided or even worsened after several days despite appropriate measures, parents should seek medical advice. This also applies in the case that the child develops fever. In rare cases, treatment with hydrocortisone ointment may be required. (Ag)

Image: Ingo Büsing