Dangerous plasticizers in food

Dangerous plasticizers in food / Health News

One third of the foods contained plasticizers


Many packaged foods contain harmful plasticizers. The Norddeutsche Rundfunk (NDR) has taken samples for the broadcast „The big kitchen check“ In more than one third of the foods studied, the softener diethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) was detected. Although no limit values ​​were exceeded, even small amounts of the plasticizer are suspected to be harmful to fertility, according to the Federal Environment Agency.

In general, plasticizers are considered to be extremely questionable for the health. Chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma and other respiratory diseases have already been linked to plasticizers in various studies. Probably the most well-known plasticizer is bisphenol A, but its use has since been significantly reduced and must not be used today, for example, in the production of baby drink bottles. According to the Federal Environment Agency, the DEHP softener detected in the food is also used much less frequently today than it was in 1999. Nevertheless, DEHP is found in numerous packaged foods. In particular, the fertility of men could be severely damaged. After all, softeners are one of the main reasons for the limited fertility recently identified in a study commissioned by the Federal Environment Agency in about half of men between the ages of 18 and 23 years.

Almost 40 percent of the foods tested contain plasticizers
Actually, the plasticizer „DEHP has largely been banned since 2006 in plastics that come into contact with food“, since the hazardous substances from the packaging can get into the food and with the food in the human body, reports the „NDR“. All the more worrying that DEHP was detected in seven of the 19 foods studied. Around 37 percent of the tested packaged foods thus contained the harmful substance. The measured concentration was very different. So loudly contained „NDR“ For example, the Géramont soft cheese was 80 micrograms DEHP per kilogram, the concentration in Bertolli Pesto was already three times higher at 240 micrograms per kilogram and Kerrygold butter contained a total of 520 micrograms DEHP per kilogram. The highest load, the testers in Saint Albray cheese with 910 micrograms DEHP per kilogram of cheese after.

High exposure of the population to health-damaging plasticizers
According to the expert Dr. Marike Kolossa-Gehring from the Federal Environment Agency gave alarming results, even though no limit values ​​were exceeded. Because according to the toxicologist, limit values ​​always assume that only a certain amount of food is consumed, but in practice these quantities could be significantly exceeded. Also, the plasticizers are now „in all people in Germany, and some are so heavily burdened that we have to fear developmental damage and damage to health“, he quotes „NDR“ the expert of the Federal Environment Agency.

Food manufacturers under pressure
According to the broadcaster, according to information provided by the broadcaster, the proven plasticisers in their products triggered different reactions on the part of the food manufacturers concerned. While some were quite concerned, others have tried to calm down fundamentally. the „NDR“ For example, the manufacturer of Bertolli Pesto explained all possibilities to verify the source of the contamination. The producer of Kerrygold Butter has written that the current investigation results should be taken as an opportunity to re-examine their own production process, reports the „NDR“. However, the reactions were different at the cheese producers of Géramont and Saint Albray. They merely stated that their cheese complied with food law standards.

Serious health problems due to plasticizers
The sanitary consequences of plasticizers are also illustrated by a meta-study by the German Federal Agency for Environmental and Nature Conservation (BUND). In evaluating 240 previous studies, the researchers found that exposure to plasticizers such as bisphenol A increases the risk of overweight and diabetes. According to the BUND, the extent of the damage to health was primarily determined by the time of the contamination. While in adults "stress can have no effect, severe health consequences are possible, especially in sensitive stages of development, such as pregnancy or early childhood". The BUND refers to "impairment of reproductive ability and disorders of brain development and the immune system". Recognizable "the damage usually only in adulthood" and would then usually not be revised. The inclusion of plasticizers over food should therefore be urgently minimized, the environmentalists say. (Fp)

Also read:
Plasticizers cause diabetes and obesity
BUND: Increased plasticizer load in day nurseries
Environmentalists: BPA ban completely inadequate
Bisphenol A makes girls hyperactive and aggressive
Hormone-active chemicals threaten health

Picture credits: Rolf van Melis /Pixelio.de