Dangerous water slides Children could seriously injure themselves

Dangerous water slides Children could seriously injure themselves / Health News
Children should be told safety instructions on water slides
The summery temperatures attract many citizens into the cool water in the outdoor pool or bathing lake. Often there are water slides, which are especially popular with children. Experts advise to explain to the little ones important rules, since the use of the slides is not without danger.

Observe rules on information signs
At the moment many people are looking for refreshments in the swimming pool or bathing lake because of the summer weather. Often there are water slides to find. These can be dangerous. According to a message from the dpa news agency, the TÜV Thüringen has pointed out that it can end badly if children rush down too close one after the other or head first. Therefore, parents should explain to their children before slipping exactly what to look for. Mostly the rules for the slide are to be seen on signs. These should be gone through together with the little ones.

Dangerous water slides: Educate children about dangers early! (Image: Gennadiy Poznyakov / Fotolia)

Accidents with broken bones
To avoid accidents, it is also important that the children swiftly swim to the side after slipping. It should be noted that the signs also say how old a child must be to slide and how deep the water is in the submersion area. In the past, accidents on water slides were repeatedly reported, which among other things led to fractures of the arms, legs or thoracic spine. In such accidents, there is also the risk of concussion, whiplash or ribs.

Experts warn of life-threatening dangers
The German Life Rescue Society (DLRG) warned before the upcoming bathing season of other pitfalls and life-threatening dangers. Swimmers may be plagued by fluctuations in water temperature, sudden lows, currents and whirlpools, overconfidence or unknown health problems such as cardiovascular disease. Although swimming is good for fitness and promotes endurance, it seems that the enthusiasm for this sport is decreasing, especially among the youngest.

More and more Germans can not swim
As DLRG spokesman Achim Wiese said that the ability of Germans to relax in swimming. "Every second student leaves primary school without being able to swim." The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) also had similar reports a few months ago. They published data from the nationwide child health study (KiGGS), which shows, among other things, that many elementary school students can not swim. According to the DLRG, the causes are manifold. For example, 25 percent of elementary schools in Germany would no longer have access to the swimming pool, as the organizational effort, such as getting there by bus, would be too high.

Against the dying of the bath
Meadow also demanded that the dying of the baths also be counteracted, for example with political lobbying. "We want to make it clear to the decision-makers that swimming pools are not pure leisure centers, but also educational and cultural sites," says the expert. For the upcoming bathing season, the DLRG sees itself well prepared. According to the information available nationwide up to 46,000 lifeguards ready. (Ad)

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