Dangerous substance in instant coffee

Dangerous substance in instant coffee / Health News

Prohibited substance detected in instant coffee.

As the Ministry of the Environment in Wiesbaden announced, containing the instant coffee of the manufacturer Imperia Elita a prohibited substance in the drug as „Appetite“ is used. It is the active substance „sibutramine“. As the ministry further stated, the substance could cause significant side effects. Actually, the substance is used to reduce severe overweight (obesity) in medication. Possible side effects of the active substance „sibutramine“ are headache, dry mouth, nausea and vomiting, but also numbness, high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia.

Recall action started
The Group has already responded to this warning by recalling their Instant Coffee "Vitaccino" with a best before date of 8 February 2012 from the market. The company defends itself with the argument that they had previously judged the coffee food law before it came on the market. A complaint did not take place at that time. However, an investigation by the official food inspection laboratory had discovered the prohibited substance.

Do not use already purchased coffee
The manufacturer now asks consumers not to use the already purchased coffee. Anyone who has already bought the instant coffee with the stated expiration date can return it to the retailer for a refund of the purchase price. An exchange of the goods is possible, you will get back in exchange safe coffee. (sb, 08.10.2010)