Dangerous substance in coffee recall
Health hazard due to coffee strain
Dangerous substance in the coffee - recall campaign started.
The company Imperia Elita has a recall for their instant coffee „Vittacino“ started after the Hessian Ministry of Consumer Protection in coffee of the Central Hessian company, the Europe-wide banned substance sibutramine has discovered. The drug used as an appetite suppressant in medicines can cause significant side effects, according to the Ministry's warning.
As the consumer protection ministry in Wiesbaden announced, the manufacturer calls due to the sibutramine load all articles of the „Vitaccino Imperia Elita, 10g x 15 bags / box“ Batch with the date of manufacture 05 June 2010, the best before date 05 May 2012 and the lot identification 20100506 on the packaging back. The products contain since February 2010 Europe-wide banned substance sibutramine, which was originally used in medicines as an appetite suppressant. Due to the serious side effects of the drug, sibutramine was banned in Italy in 2002 after two deaths. At the beginning of 2010, a study by the European Medicines Agency also assessed the benefit-risk balance of the active substance as negative, which was followed by a Europe-wide ban. The company Imperia Elita, based in Wettenberg, Hesse, has asked consumers to do so, „not to consume remaining goods“.
The side effects of the drug sibutramine can range from headache, nausea and vomiting to high blood pressure and arrhythmia. People with cardiovascular disease in particular should not take sibutramine, as this considerably increases the risk of heart attack. For example, a comprehensive US study found 34 deaths in people with cardiovascular disease from taking the drug
For the instant coffee „Vitaccino“ It is already the second recall because of potential health hazards. The Rhineland-Palatinate State Investigation Office had warned in October before another batch of coffee, after a consumer had then complained of severe palpitations and dilated pupils and contacted the authorities. The manufacturer Imperia Elita pointed out that the products were intensively examined prior to introduction on the German market and thereby remained unopposed. (fp, 13.12.2010)
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