Dangerous medication cocktails

Dangerous medication cocktails / Health News

Danger to life due to drug mix


Unwanted interactions of medication cocktails bring thousands of people to the hospital each year. Experts even estimate the number of deaths due to dangerous drug combinations in a five-digit range. Especially the elderly, who often suffer from several diseases, are affected. State Secretary Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) points with regard to the by Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU) announced e-health law to the newspaper „The world“ how important a functioning electronic health card is to avoid unwanted side effects and interactions. So be it „mandatory“, that data for the medication are also stored on the card.

Interactions of medication cocktails can be life-threatening
Violent dizzy spells, nausea, nosebleeds and many other ailments can be the result of medication cocktails. According to the Ministry of Health, about five percent of all patients who go to the hospital are the cause of their health problems. For those affected and their relatives, such a covenant is often hard to believe: the drugs that they have taken for high blood pressure, heart problems or other complaints, make them sick. Experts estimate that every year around five-digit numbers of patients die as a result of drug interactions. Usually the patients can be helped with complex therapies, which cost the health insurance companies millions annually. In addition, high health risk for those affected, the dangerous drug combination therefore also a cost driver in the health system.

Laumann calls in conversation with the newspaper health insurance companies and doctors, „after years of delay finally pave the way for a fully functional electronic insurance card that can store all the medication of the patient and in a further technical step also show interactions.“

In case of several illnesses, a drug cocktail of different active substances is created quickly
The highest risk for interactions are senior citizens. „The problem of life-threatening interactions of medications prescribed by physicians is enormous, especially in patients over the age of 65, "explains Gerd Glaeske, professor of drug supply at the University of Bremen to the newspaper. „10.2 percent of people over the age of 65 who are admitted to the hospital suffer from too much medication. "Around 50 percent of this age group suffers from two or more diseases and is therefore being treated with medication Typically, a general practitioner or internist, orthopedist, urologist or gynecologist, as well as an ophthalmologist, who prescribe the drug that suits them, easily accumulates four or more medicines that the patient takes on a daily basis, often in rapid succession. „However, if you look at the total amounts, often a large sum of active ingredients comes together, where the health risks of interactions are far too little attention, "said Glaeske, who was formerly a member of the Council of Experts for Health.

In addition, the liver and kidney activity decreases with age, so that the intensity and duration of the effect of drugs change greatly and can also lead to problems. Many people also regularly take non-prescription medicines, supplements and vitamin supplements, which may also promote unwanted interactions.

Interactions of drugs and milk
Even traditional foods such as milk can not be safely consumed with medications such as antibiotics. Because the calcium from the milk enters into the gastrointestinal tract sparingly soluble compounds with certain drugs, which can then no longer be absorbed by the blood. In this way, the effectiveness of the funds can be prevented or at least impaired. Furthermore, licorice, grapefruit and goji berries can inhibit or enhance the effect of drugs. Information on possible interactions can be obtained from the pharmacy. (Ag)

Image: I-vista