Dangerous malnutrition More and more children in Germany are affected
Every fourth inpatient in Germany shows signs of malnutrition
Malnutrition is not just a problem in poor developing countries. In Germany, more than one and a half million people are affected. It is true that chronically ill people, tumor patients and the elderly are at risk. But more and more children are affected, especially when they come from socially disadvantaged families.
Problem not only in developing countries
When you talk about malnutrition, you usually get pictures of children in poor countries in Africa or Asia. But in Europe, too, the problem is widespread. Health experts in the UK warned of malnutrition years ago due to growing poverty in the country. And in Germany, more than 1.5 million people are affected, it says in a press release to the Congress "Nutrition 2018".
Malnutrition often associates with poor developing countries in Africa. But in this country, more than 1.5 million people are affected - and more and more children. (Image: Africa Studio / fotolia.com)Deficiency symptoms due to one-sided nutrition
Germany is more likely to think of obesity than malnutrition. Nevertheless, the latter is also a big problem with many sequelae.
As stated in the communication, more than 1.5 million people are affected in this country. Chronically ill, tumor patients and the elderly are considered to be particularly at risk.
But more and more children are affected, especially when they come from socially disadvantaged families.
It is not always about the amount of food - even a one-sided diet can lead to deficiency symptoms.
Every fourth hospital patient affected
"More than one in four patients admitted to a clinic shows signs of malnutrition," says Professor Dr. med. Christian Löser the extent of the problem.
The head physician of the medical clinic of the DRK-clinics Nordhessen in Kassel and congress president of the DGEM (German society for nutritional medicine) deals for over 25 years with deficiency symptoms by nutrition.
According to the experts, energy and nutrient deficiencies affect healing processes: As a result, patients are hospitalized longer, have a poorer quality of life and a higher risk of death, as studies show.
"We should no longer view food as a means of satisfying a basic need, but rather as a highly effective part of medical therapy," says Ingrid Acker, VDOE Congress President and Deputy Chairman of the Professional Association Oecotrophologie e.V. (VDOE).
"Nutrition is Therapy and Prevention" is the motto of this year's congress.
Lack of nutrients balance
One of the ways in which nutritional-medical findings can be implemented in day-to-day clinical care is demonstrated by the so-called "Kasseler Model", which was developed under Löser's leadership and is now internationally recognized.
Key elements include screening for malnutrition, which all patients routinely undergo upon admission to the clinic, established standards for effective nutritional treatment, personalized individualized nutritional counseling, and a wide range of foods with special high calorie menu lines, depending on nutritional status and individual needs.
Under- or malnourished patients get specially nutrient-enriched, energy-dense meals and can also choose from a wide range of snacks, such as freshly made shakes or finger foods.
"Our goal is to compensate for the lack of nutrients, to increase the daily energy intake, to stabilize the nutritional status and thus to promote recovery and avoid further complications," says Löser.
Treat effectively and sustainably with nutritional care
Not only increasing obesity but also malnutrition is a highly relevant problem in the affluent countries of the European Union.
As early as 2003, the Council of Europe pointed this out in its trailblazing resolution and referred to the associated medical, social and health economic consequences and costs.
Against this backdrop, the EU has launched a major action program called "Stop Malnutrition", which, unlike other European states, is being implemented only hesitantly in Germany.
"In contrast to being overweight, one can effectively and sustainably treat diagnosed malnutrition with simple, established nutritional treatment measures," stresses Ingrid Acker.
Nutrition specialists therefore demand that the present modern scientific findings on malnutrition be implemented sustainably in clinical and outpatient care as well as in nursing.
The findings must also be anchored in the training and the requirements and structures of hospitals and care facilities.
"Of course, the patient benefits from this, of course, but the model is also a financial gain for the clinic and the health system," say the conference presidents Löser and Acker. (Ad)