Dangerous cancer treatment Consumption of apricot kernels life-threatening

There are alternative cancer treatments that use, for example, vitamin B17 to prevent the spread of cancer. Some such questionable treatments also recommend eating ten to twelve small apricot kernels a day to prevent cancer. Medical experts now warn that apricot kernels form cyanide in the human body and thus the consumption of apricot kernels could even have fatal consequences.
"Alternative" sites advise eating apricot kernels to reduce the risk of cancer. Scientists from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) are now studying the possible effects of the consumption of apricot kernels. The cores form cyanide in our body, this substance is highly toxic and can even lead to death, warn the experts. The European EFSA informs in a recent press release about the risks.

Ten to twelve small apricot kernels already account for half of a lethal dose
Apparently, there is a new health trend that advises people to eat some apricot kernels every day. This is intended to reduce the risk of developing cancer or the spread of existing cancer, say the authors. There are even some retailers trying to sell large quantities of apricot kernels to cancer patients. The cores are said to help treat the disease. However, they also form a large amount of cyanide in the body, warn the experts at EFSA. When people consume ten to twelve small apricot pits each day, that amount is already half that of a lethal dose, the scientists warn.
Our body converts amygdalin contained in apricot kernels into cyanide
Apricot kernels contain high levels of naturally occurring vitamin B17. This contributes to the bitter taste. However, the consumption of the nuclei in us creates the dangerous toxin cyanide, explain the researchers. A naturally occurring substance called amygdalin in apricot seeds transforms into cyanide after eating. Cyanide is a toxic chemical that can cause nausea, fever, headache, insomnia, thirst, lethargy, nervousness, joint and muscle pain, and drop in blood pressure, experts say. In extreme cases, the chemical can also be deadly.
The European Food Safety Authority has now carried out a study on the risks of using apricot kernels. Based on cyanide formation, EFSA concluded that adults should not eat more than half a core daily for safety reasons. So sufferers do not pass the safe area. Studies now show that as little as 0.5 to 3.5 milligrams (mg) of cyanide per kilogram of body weight can be fatal. An EFSA Panel set the safe level at 20 micrograms per kilogram of body weight. This value is 25 times lower than the lowest reported lethal dose, say the medical profession. The researchers come to the conclusion that adults should eat a maximum of three small apricot kernels (equivalent to about 370 mg). In infants, the amount is only about 60 mg, which corresponds to half a small nucleus, the authors add.
Consumption of apricot pulp is completely safe
The normal consumption of apricots does not represent a health risk for consumers. The core of apricots is protected by a hard shell, so it has no contact with the fruit itself, explain the doctors. The assessment of the alleged benefits of raw apricot kernels for cancer treatment was not part of the scientific opinion. EFSA consulted its partners in the EU Member States to discuss the scientific advice and previous assessments by the national authorities. The so-called risk managers of the European Commission and the Member States regulate EU food safety. Experts will now have to decide if action is needed to protect public health from eating raw apricot kernels, the authors add. (As)