Dangerous hare plague has been detected in Baden-Württemberg

In the district of Schwäbisch Hall (Baden-Württemberg), hare's plague (tularemia) has been detected in a dead hare. Local authorities ask citizens to be extra careful. Humans can also become infected with rabbit plague.
Hare's plague found in animal carcasses
In Baden-Wuerttemberg Schwäbisch Hall a case of rabies has been detected. As the Veterinary and Consumer Protection Office announced in a communication, the Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Office (CVUA) in Fellbach has found in an animal carcass the causative agent of hare plague (tularemia). A hunter had found the dead hare dead at the beginning of May in his area in Oberrot and brought the animal to investigate the cause of death for investigation. The authority asks the population for special caution.

People too can become infected
Rabbit plague is a bacterial disease caused by the causative agent Francisella tularensis. Again and again infections are reported. Thus, only at the beginning of the year, a case of hare plague in Bavaria became known. According to the Veterinary and Consumer Protection Office in Schwäbisch Hall, the bacterium mainly infests field hares and rodents, other wildlife and pets can also become infected. However, the pathogen is also dangerous for humans in whom severe infection symptoms can occur after an infection.
For symptoms to the doctor
In humans, the Tularämie run very differently, depending on the entry point, for example, flu-like symptoms such as fever, but also skin ulcers, blisters in the mouth and throat, pneumonia or conjunctivitis (conjunctivitis) can occur. Health professionals recommend seeing a doctor for symptoms such as fever, headache, muscle cramps or nausea and vomiting after coming into contact with wildlife or eating wild game meat.
Do not let dogs run unchecked
The Veterinary Office Schwäbisch Hall asks the population in the district, especially in order not to touch Oberrot died field hares or hares with lack of escape behavior and to report the find immediately to the responsible hunting lessee. And even if the risk of disease for dogs is to classify less, the contact of dogs with dead or conspicuous hares should be avoided at all costs. The experts recommend that dogs do not run unchecked or lead while going for a walk. However, the Office also had reassuring information: "A transmission of the disease can only take place through direct contact with infected animals," it says in the message. (Ad)