Dangerous Easy-to-go liposuction

Expert warns against reckless beauty interventions
Currently, media report a shocking death of a young Ecuadorian after liposuction. A sad case? No, says Dr. Miriam Koeller-Bratz, Head of Plastic Surgery Cologne on the Rhine. Infections, circulatory problems and cardiac arrhythmias are not uncommon. The expert warns against undergoing such an intervention without professional advice and only consulting a trained plastic-aesthetic surgeon. Because many so-called plastic surgeons have not learned the trade properly.
Liposuction, also called liposuction, are among the most common procedures in plastic surgery. The demand is enormously high, because the intervention promises lasting results and is often feasible on an outpatient basis. „A liposuction is associated with very little risk, if you can be reasonable advice and consulted a specialist in plastic-aesthetic surgery. But if you take it lightly, you are in serious danger - there are always reports of deaths“, warns Miriam Koeller-Bratz, Specialist in Plastic Surgery - known among other things from the RTL2 program „Extremely beautiful!“.
The risks range from infections, circulatory problems, intestinal injuries to cardiac arrhythmias and heart failure. The Plastic Surgeon advises caution, especially with extensive liposuction, in which large amounts of fat are aspirated. „Extensive suction can put a heavy strain on the heart. In addition, there are strong fluid and electrolyte shifts in the body that cause circulatory problems.“
Today, liposuction is not only performed by experienced plastic surgeons, but also doctors from other disciplines offer liposuction. In weekend courses, doctors from a wide range of disciplines learn the technique, which, at first glance, is easy to learn, without knowing the pitfalls of the procedure. Behind the temptation of quick money, so Koeller-Bratz. Often the procedure is performed only in local anesthesia or twilight sleep, without ensuring a subsequent medical supervision.
„I strongly recommend surgery in a hospital, not a private practice. The sanitary conditions in a practice often have surgery standard and non-sterile surgical rooms, such as a hospital. Here, the risk of infection is particularly high. In addition, a hospital stay after extensive liposuction, or if circulatory problems set, urgently advisable“, so Koeller-Bratz. (Pm)
Picture: Martin Jäger