Dangerous drug That's why LSD works extremely long

Especially during the hippie movement, LSD was a commonly used drug that allows hours of trips. One study now showed why the hallucinogenic drug works so long.
Surprising effects of LSD
Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD for short, is a hallucinogenic drug that was particularly popular during the hippie era in the 1960s and 1970s, but is still widely used today. The intoxicant, which is usually dropped on a small piece of blotter paper, provides hours of trips that can be both enjoyable and extremely negative. Scientists have been studying the surprising effects of LSD for decades. American researchers have now found out why the drug works for so long.

Why the drug works so long
As the scientists around Bryan Roth from the University of North Carolina (USA) in the journal "Cell" report, the psychoactive drug has an especially long effect because of its special binding to brain receptors.
According to their own statements, the team first gained insights into the structural basis for the mode of action of a hallucinogen. Their study showed how the LSD molecule sits in the binding pocket of the serotonin receptor: it is wedged there. In addition, after binding, part of the receptor works like a lid and closes the LSD in the binding pocket.
As the magazine "scinexx.de" reported, Roth said: "That's probably why the effects of the LSD last so long." He continued: "First, the LSD takes quite a long time to bind to the receptor and if when it's in, it will not come out again. "
The trip is over when the LSD molecule manages to blast off the lid or when the brain cell degrades the entire complex.
LSD as a medical device
The new findings could help to develop medically effective but less hallucinogenic forms of LSD.
Other scientific research has also shown that LSD - and other illegal drugs - can be used for medical purposes. It has long been known that cannabis helps many diseases.
Some health experts also put their hopes in certain party drugs for depression and anxiety. Researchers in Berlin have achieved promising results with hallucinogens such as ketamine in this context.
And years ago, research has shown that you can treat alcohol addiction with LSD, since even a dose can affect the self-image of alcoholics so that they remain permanently dry.
The drug discovered by Albert Hoffmann in 1943 had long been used by psychiatrists around the world, but in the 1960s LSD was declared illegal in most countries.
Long-lasting horror trips
Roth and his colleagues do not want to animate people to use LSD with their publication. The drug can be dangerous. So there is the risk that it comes quickly to physical reactions such as dizziness, palpitations and blurred vision.
In addition, there is an accident risk due to the hallucinogenic effect. And since LSD acts as a so-called emotional amplifier, a negative basic mood can easily lead to anxiety and panic. Such "horror trips" can last a very long time. (Ad)