Dangers to health? Wireless radiation increases miscarriages

Radiation in the WLAN poses a risk in pregnancy?
Non-ionizing radiation in wireless networks, according to a recent study, increases the risk of miscarriage. Possibly, the risk has so far been underestimated. The study authors believe that the potential health effects of non-ionizing magnetic fields should be further investigated.
The study of real exposure to non-ionizing radiation from magnetic fields in pregnant women revealed a significantly higher rate of miscarriage and provided new evidence of potential health risks, study authors report. The environmental hazards of WLAN use and other corresponding radiation fields now have to be further analyzed in further studies. The scientists have published the results of their research in the scientific journal "Scientific Reports".

Risks little researched so far
Non-ionizing radiation can come from a variety of sources, including electrical equipment, power lines and transformers, as well as wireless devices and wireless networks. In close proximity to these sources, humans are exposed to magnetic fields when in use, explain the scientists. While the health risks of ionizing radiation are relatively well known (including cancer and genetic damage), non-ionizing radiation has so far been associated with negligible health risks.
Limits of a tolerable load not known
So far, only a few studies have been able to accurately measure exposure to non-ionizing radiation from the magnetic field, says lead author Dr. De-Kun Li. Due to the current lack of research on this topic, it is not known where the biological limit lies, but which may be causing problems. "And we do not yet understand the possible mechanisms for increased risks," Dr. Li.
Radiation exposure recorded over 24 hours
In the current study, pregnant women were asked to carry a small magnetic field monitor for one day. In addition, the subjects kept a journal of the day's activities and were interviewed in person to better control potential confounding factors and determine how typical their activities were on the day of the surveillance. At the same time, several variables were identified that are known to be associated with an increased miscarriage risk - including, for example, nausea and vomiting, previous miscarriages, alcohol consumption and caffeine intake.
Higher risk of miscarriage
Comparing the radiation exposure with the incidence of miscarriage, the researchers found that miscarriages occurred in 10.4 percent of women with the lowest measured exposure and in 24.2 percent of women with higher measured exposures. "The rate of miscarriage in the general population is between 10 and 15 percent," adds Dr. Li. The study's findings provide evidence that non-ionizing magnetic field radiation can have negative biological effects on human health, the expert said.
The researchers now hope that the findings of the current study will result in more urgently needed studies on the potential dangers to human health, including the health of pregnant women. This raises the question of how the high WLAN density in the cities can be a risk for the population. (Fp)