Gardening counteracts signs of dementia and heart disease

Gardening counteracts signs of dementia and heart disease / Health News
Light gardening improves well-being and improves our health
For a long time, gardeners have been claiming that gardening is good for your health and helps to relax. In addition, such people are of the opinion that, for example, digging up and weeding helps to stay fit longer. Researchers now found out that these people might be right. Because gardening actually helps against early signs of dementia and heart disease.

Researchers found in an investigation that physicians should more often advise their patients with early dementia or signs of heart disease to do more light gardening. This type of work not only brings the sufferer health benefits, but also improves well-being. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "The Kings Fund".

Gardening such as digging or lawn mowing not only enhances the garden, it also positively affects our health. Through weekly work in the garden we can protect ourselves from some diseases and improve our well-being. (Image:

Gardening for the maintenance of the circadian rhythm
A well-kept garden is usually nice to look at. However, this garden could also bring quite different benefits for its owners. Gardens and outdoor spaces provide people with dementia with access to natural light, which is important for maintaining the so-called circadian rhythm, explain the authors of the study. The medical community suggested that the UK's National Health Service (NHS) set up horticultural projects for its patients. Gardens are an extraordinary national resource, as nearly 90 percent of British households have their own garden and half of the population are so-called hobby gardeners, explain the researchers. We should continue cultivating our gardens to maximize our health, the authors say.

Reduced risk of heart disease, cancer and obesity
The researchers explain that regular gardening also reduces the risk of heart disease and the likelihood of cancer and obesity. Moreover, this type of employment improves the balance, the physicians add. Thus, gardening can even help prevent falls in the elderly. There are also other older studies that claim that gardening can reduce depression, loneliness, anxiety and stress, the researchers report. A study has shown that already six months of gardening in people with dementia slow the cognitive decline in the next 18 months. Gardens touch our senses, especially through their smells, which is very important for people with dementia, explain the experts.

Doctors should use gardening to prevent disease
The doctors assume that half an hour of digging in the garden burns about 150 calories. The same time Harken burns 120 calories and push the lawnmower burns even 165 calories, experts estimate. A wealth of evidence connects gardens and gardening with a wide range of beneficial health effects, says lead author David Buck. It is now important to build on these findings and to bring the policy to use gardening for the prevention of disease, adds the physician.

Gardening improves the general mood and relieves tension
In recent years, research by the Westminster and Essex universities has suggested that they do about 30 minutes of gardening every week to raise self-esteem and general spirits, the researchers report. In addition, it is possible to work through light work in the garden to relieve tension and to reduce feelings such as depression, anger and confusion. The therapeutic effect of gardening or simply spending time outside in the garden is good for our well-being, say the scientists. (As)