Footballer gave 14-year-old teenager life-threatening ecstasy kiss

Footballer gave 14-year-old teenager life-threatening ecstasy kiss / Health News
Danger to life through Nintendo: 14-year-old girl after ecstasy kiss in a coma
Health experts have warned for years about the dangers of so-called party drugs. In the worst case, pills such as ecstasy can even lead to a life-threatening collapse. The drugs were doomed to a young girl in the UK. She got the tablet from a young footballer - by kiss.

Health risks of party drugs
Again and again, attention is drawn to the health risks of synthetic drugs. For example, certain party drugs can cause severe heart damage. In Switzerland, the penultimate year was warned about the wrong ecstasy pill Rolex, which can be fatal. But even if the intoxicating drugs do not lead to death, they can do bad damage.

A 14-year-old in the UK got a kiss from a junior footballer at a party. An ecstasy tablet was put into her mouth. The girl reacted so violently that she had to be put into an artificial coma. (Image: portokalis /

14-year-old girl receives ecstasy pill by kiss
That also had to learn a 14-year-old girl from the UK. According to media reports, the adolescent was given a ecstasy pill at a party on a New Year's Eve night by a well-known Scottish junior footballer. The girl responded so hard to taking the very powerful "Nintendo tablet" that she had to be taken to a hospital where she was put into a coma.

As if she had had a bad accident
According to a report from the British "Mirror", the mother of the 14-year-old said: "My daughter threw herself out of bed, she crawled around on the floor. It was like in the movie "The Exorcist". The face swelled and she looked as if she had just had a bad accident.

Drug addict put into artificial coma
The mother said that they held the girl and tried to convey her safety, but "she was hallucinating and thinking things would come out of the wall to get her". After the teenager was not calm and was already "black and blue", they put the doctors in an artificial coma. According to the mother, the physicians gave her a chance of survival of 50 to 50. Eventually, her condition stabilized and the 14-year-old survived the unwanted drug rush.

Footballer has to answer in court
The now 20-year-old footballer has now - more than two years after the incident - in court to answer. He should have given the girl the pill without consent. He faces a long prison sentence. The verdict is expected by the end of August.

Doctor receives probation
In Germany recently had a medical doctor in court answer, whose ex-girlfriend had died in a joint drug party. The two had taken ecstasy among other things. The doctor had not helped enough the woman in mortal danger and was sentenced to a probationary sentence of two years. (Ad)