Woman gave birth to sevenlings - survival of all babies unsafe

Woman gave birth to sevenlings - survival of all babies unsafe / Health News
30-year-old woman gave birth to seven babies - A baby died
A 30-year-old woman was born by caesarean section Siebenlinge in Mexico. A baby died after giving birth. The other children need artificial respiration. The mother had undergone a fertility treatment to become pregnant.

Girl dies after birth
A 30-year-old has given birth to seven children in the Mexican state of Guanajuato. According to the dpa news agency, the state ministry of health said that a girl died of cardiac arrest after giving birth. The child weighed only 450 grams. The doctors are now fighting for the lives of the other babies in the hospital in Celaya. The three girls and three boys are artificially ventilated. They weigh only between 550 and 650 grams.

Siebenlinge: 30-year-old woman gave birth to seven-year-olds - A baby died. Image: Tobilander - fotolia

Fertility treatment in the mother
According to the information, it was the first seven-child birth in the state. The mother had previously undergone a fertility treatment. After the woman had contracted labor in the 26th week of pregnancy, the children had been born by caesarean section. As a rule, physicians try to delay multiple births until at least the 29th week in order to increase their chances of survival.

Multiple pregnancies involve health risks
As in many other countries, there have been more and more multiple births in Germany in recent years. Experts say the increase may be linked to hormone treatment and artificial insemination, but there is no clear evidence to support this association. It is known that the health risks of pregnancy with twins or multiples for mother and children increase. According to medical experts, such pregnancies are at increased risk of miscarriage or premature birth. In addition, growth delays are to be expected in the case of multiple births due to the insufficient nutrient supply in the mother's body. About 98 percent of multiple births in Germany are twin births. (Ad)