Wife got twins for the third time

Wife got twins for the third time / Health News

Young Israeli gives birth to twins for the third time


For many parents, the idea of ​​a twin birth is initially not very enjoyable, because they see themselves - especially in the first child - already faced a major challenge. However, twins are extremely rare and therefore only a few families are faced with this particular task. A statistically extremely unusual exception is the 26-year-old Israeli Afat Ajash, who, according to the news agency „dpa“ born twins for the third time in four years.

Two days after the birth of a boy and a girl, the young mother is doing well according to the circumstances, according to a spokeswoman for the Hillel Jaffe Hospital, where the wife gave birth to the twins. The clinic in the coastal town of Hadera confirmed, according to the announcement of the „dpa“, that the woman from an Arab village near Caesarea has now "borne twins three times". The two newborns as older siblings still have two female twin pairs at the age of three and four years. The 26-year-old and her husband Saed Ajasch are "very happy about the many children". In her house is "enough space for all," the exhausted mother told the press.

Probability of one to five million
Regarding the circumstances of the twin births, the head of the delivery room at Hillel Jaffe Hospital explained. Chaim David, that all three pregnancies were done without artificial insemination, so the announcement of the „dpa“.The twin pairs are each zweieiig, so with divergent DNA. „The probability of such a series is one to five million“, The doctor is quoted by the news agency. Although the mother-in-law of the young woman is also a twin, but otherwise there is no accumulation of twin births in their family environment. In particular, the short time interval between the three twin births of Israelitin is considered as unique phenomenon worldwide.

Increase in multiple births
Overall, in many modern industrialized nations, a marked increase in multiple births has been observed in recent decades, although the causes remain largely unclear to this day. Although hormonal treatments and artificial insemination are being discussed as possible factors, clear evidence of a link with multiple births is still lacking. In Germany, according to the Federal Statistics Office, in 2011 there were about 11,500 multiple births, so that every 29th baby was a multiple-child, while in 1991, only every 42nd newborn was born as a multiple-child. Also here in Germany, according to the announcement of the „dpa“ already a mother who gave birth to twins three times. The „Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung“ reported last April on a woman from northern Baden-Württemberg, who gave birth to twins for the third time in a 17-year period, according to a statement from the „dpa“. The journalist Marion von Gratkowski from the magazine „Twins“ is quoted as saying that this is the only case she knows. (Fp)

Picture: wahe