Questionable new fitness trackers and health apps

Questionable new fitness trackers and health apps / Health News
A quarter of Germans use health apps and fitness bracelets
Technical or electronic aids in sports are for many people nowadays indispensable. A recent survey showed that around one in four German Internet users uses fitness trackers and health apps. Some experts are critical of this trend.

Fitness bracelets enjoy great popularity
Manufacturers of fitness bracelets usually promise their customers support for optimum training. Among other things, the small devices record distances, times, calories burned and resting periods. Only recently, however, showed that many fitness trackers in the test usually perform poorly. Some experts say that such devices are not very useful. Because smartphones make fitness bands superfluous, because the various applications can save a lot of data anyway. Nevertheless, the devices enjoy great popularity, as a recent survey shows.

According to a recent survey, around one in four German Internet users uses fitness trackers and health apps. Some experts consider this trend to be critical. (Image: Syda Productions /

More than a quarter of Germans use fitness trackers and co
According to a survey conducted by the market research company GfK, 28 percent of Internet users in Germany monitor and / or record their health and fitness with apps, fitness bracelets or smartwatches. Only Internet users in China (45 percent), Brazil and the USA (29 percent each) used devices for their daily fitness and health check even more.

Most users want to monitor health and fitness
According to a GfK press release, of the 20,000 Internet users surveyed in 16 countries, an average of one third said they regularly monitor their condition or health with apps or fitness trackers. More than half (55 percent) stated that the main reason for digitally monitoring health and fitness. The second most frequently mentioned active users the argument to motivate themselves to do sports.

One in three respondents said they wanted to "improve their performance" or "motivate themselves to eat and drink healthily". 29 percent want to "sleep better" and a quarter want to be "more productive". Another 22 percent of respondents said the "fun factor" as a reason. Only 14 percent of participants control their health or fitness because they are currently "training for a sporting event."

Young and old people rely on apps and trackers
It turned out that in this country - in addition to very young people - surprisingly many older people use the digital aids. "A look at the age groups reveals that in Germany, especially the youngest (aged 15-19) and the oldest Internet users (60 years and older) actively monitor their health and fitness with apps and trackers (31% and 30%, respectively) respondents), "the statement says.

"The study shows that the control of health and fitness is obviously not only interesting for young athletes, but for a wide range of age groups," said Jan Wassmann, from GfK.

Critics point to a lack of data protection
From privacy advocates and health politicians, the corresponding apps and fitness bracelets are usually viewed critically. Among other things, privacy is often neglected. Only in spring warned the data protection officers of the federal government and countries against misuse of the recorded training data.

Because with this a detailed risk assessment can be made. This could lead to health insurance companies developing profiles of their insured persons and offering individual tariffs on this basis. That would run counter to the principle of solidarity. Earlier this year, the health insurance companies announced that they wanted to make more use of the data of fitness bracelets.

Misinformation can lead to health-endangering behavior
Meanwhile, some devices are even co-financed by health insurance companies. Last summer, for example, the AOK health insurance fund was the first in Germany to announce that it grants such a subsidy to its insured. Shortly afterwards followed the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), which announced to pay its members 250 euros for an Apple Watch.

However, several experts, such as the Green Party's health politician Maria Klein-Schmenk, doubt the reliability of trackers and apps. Since the inaccuracy in measuring pulse, movement and Co. are very large, misinformation could lead to harmful behavior of users. (Ad)