Questions and answers about cure

Questions and answers about cure / Health News
In the past, cures were considered old-fashioned, almost stuffy. Today, they are becoming more and more trendy. There are several hundred health resorts in Germany, including climatic health resorts or seaside resorts on the coast. But also cures abroad are popular among the Germans. While a few years ago many spas still had the charm of the 70s, a lot has happened today. Facilities are modern and accompanying offers suitable for younger people. Cures have always been convincing, above all, through holistic therapy approaches in which the focus is on strengthening self-healing powers. If you want to promote your health on holiday, you can benefit from a cure. Cures are among the oldest and best proven forms of natural healing. Univ.-Doz. Dr. Bertram Hölzl, specialist in internal medicine and scientific director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen, answers the most important questions.

Why take a cure and not just a holiday of relaxation?
"If you want to promote your health, you need medical control and targeted programs. Only if well-trained physiotherapists and a wide variety of medical services are available, the cure is also successful. The sophisticated combination of classic spa therapies such as baths or packs and medically meaningful activity are in the foreground for cures. From the spa stay should also emanate an impulse to change the lifestyle and thus have a lasting effect in addition to the therapeutic success of the treatment. What is special about a health resort are the - usually local - natural remedies. In Bad Gastein, for example, include the alpine altitude and especially the Radonthermalstollen. Here, patients travel by train several times to the tunnels and spend about an hour on the therapy stations, where the impact factors radon, heat and high humidity develop their therapeutic benefits. "

For whom are cures suitable?
"Cures are suitable for alleviating any type of chronic disease and especially for the treatment of rheumatic disorders, the musculoskeletal system, the respiratory tract and the skin. Many patients will benefit from a reduced need for medication, less pain or even a lack of symptoms after a cure. "

Who bears the costs?
"Statutory health insurance companies are granting cures less and less frequently. Nevertheless, more and more guests are willing to pay for high-quality cures themselves. For the health program, some health insurances also pay grants of up to several hundred euros on vacation. The cures with radon treatment series in the Gasteiner Heilstollen are recognized by health insurances, but the extent of the reimbursement requires a permit. For example, a health week in the Gastein Heilstollen with medical examination, four entries and four health applications costs 336 euros. "

What should I consider before a cure?
"In contrast to the outpatient rehab, you do not need a certificate from the doctor about the necessity for a private spa vacation. Before starting the cure, the guest should know, however, whether he is able to cure. Who evaluates this, is examined by the treating bath doctor on Kurfähigkeit. In order to avoid unforeseen things, it is better to have your home doctor or a specialist certify your necessary state of health before you travel. "

Who is my contact person on site??
"On site, the spa doctor is the first point of contact for the guest. In the Gasteiner Heilstollen he carries out a health check and determines the type of applications, usually two per day. In addition to tunnel entrances, these include, for example, osteopathic treatments, acupuncture, muscle relaxation exercises, lymphatic drainage, or massages. "

Can relatives come along?
"Spa guests can stay in a hotel, in a pension or apartment and of course bring relatives." (Pm)