For health endurance sports always start slowly

For health endurance sports always start slowly / Health News
Endurance training always start slowly
Who starts with sports, tends to overwhelm themselves. Many immediately go to the limit and overwhelm themselves and their bodies. But that is exactly what is wrong and can even harm your health. Sabine Kind from the German University for Prevention and Health Management in Saarbrücken reports on study results on the subject.

Numerous studies prove that endurance training strengthens the cardiovascular system, prevents diseases such as heart attacks or diabetes and reduces the risk of suffering from mental illness. But many people start the training completely wrong and do more harm to their body than to do something good with it. Endurance training like jogging involves slowly increasing performance, good warm-up training, adequate recovery periods and a healthy, varied diet.

(Image: Wellnhofer Designs /

Sabine Kind from the German University for Prevention and Health Management in Saarbrücken emphasized that the training should start "after a winter break with a slow start". Important is an "individually adjusted intensity when returning to work". In addition, too intensive endurance training with insufficient recovery periods can weaken the immune system and increase the susceptibility to infection, "says Kind.

In order to start the endurance training sensibly and for the sake of health, the sports expert recommends the following guidelines:

Reasonable intensity
The intensity of the stresses should be closely monitored. To check the heart rate is a heart rate monitor. At the beginning 10 to 15 minutes are enough. In this case, walking and walking should alternate with each other every two minutes. The limit is then set higher every week. In order to have fun even months later, the load limit should be increased only slowly.

No training without warm-up
The body should never be stressed without warm-up training. If the body is not burdened with previous moderate exercises, the performance suffers and the organism takes longer to recover. The load should be 50 to 60 percent of the maximum heart rate.

Important, especially when exercising in the fresh air, is the right sportswear. To prevent colds or flu, it is advisable to wear clothing that is breathable and protects against cooling. Has proven particularly well the so-called "onion principle". Athletes wear several thin garments on top of each other.

Right nutrition
The body needs a lot of high performance and above all high quality energy. Therefore, a balanced diet with good carbohydrates and proteins such as soy, turkey, fruits and vegetables is important. The food should be drunk enough because the organism loses a lot of fluid through sweating. To prevent the body from drying out, the rule of thumb is: one hour of sport equals 800 to 1000 ml of fluid. Good are unsweetened spritzers or just water. (Sb)