Researcher Viagra side effect relieves heart failure

Researcher Viagra side effect relieves heart failure / Health News
Sildenafil-containing medicines for the rapid treatment of heart disease
The drug Viagra (sildenafil) is well known to most people. Since the drug was launched in 1998 by the US company Pfizer, its popularity has grown rapidly. It is used in men to treat erectile dysfunction. The small blue pill thus ensures that those affected by impotence can have a full and exciting sex life. Can this "potency pill" also have a positive effect on other diseases? American researchers have now found in their research that Viagra can trigger an unexpected side effect.

Recent research has shown that sildenafil-containing drugs have beneficial effects on certain heart diseases. Both women and men benefit from the drug contained in Viagra. In the future, Viagra could help to improve the health of heart failure patients.

Viagra not only helps with potency problems, but also in heart failure. (Image: Soru Epotok /

Viagra as a new drug in heart failure with pulmonary hypertension?
American researchers conducted studies at various hospitals in the state of Massachusetts to determine how Viagra works in heart failure, reports the Austrian newspaper "Tips". In this disease, the heart muscle of the affected person is usually greatly weakened. Through this weakening, the muscle is no longer able to do its job properly. The human heart then no longer manages to pump the required amount of blood into the patient's body. In many cases, systolic heart failure occurs in combination with pulmonary hypertension (high pulmonary artery pressure). The multitude of patients suffering from heart failure are also affected by such hypertension. The problem is widespread, so suffer about 75 percent of those affected by heart failure and the secondary disease.

Blue pill reduces lung pressure and improves mobility
The researchers studied 34 patients at a hospital in Massachusetts. Subjects suffered from systolic heart failure associated with pulmonary hypertension. To treat the patients, the doctors used Viagra (dosage 25 mg to 100 mg). In the course of the investigation, the American researchers found that Viagra had a positive effect on the overall health of the subjects. Lung pressure decreased and significantly improved walking performance was observed. Overall, it is possible, by taking Viagra, to reduce the average length of hospital stay by up to twelve days, writes the "Tips".

Viagra works fast against effects of heart disease
Previous studies have suggested that Viagra is thought to have a positive effect on heart disease. The current research confirms these results. The scientists found that even a single dose of Viagra improves the health of the patients. The medicine seems to be effective against some negative effects of heart disease, said the doctors, according to the Austrian newspaper. If the current results are confirmed by data from further studies, it is quite possible that Viagra will no longer be used in the future only for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (impotence). The blue "potency pill" could then be used to treat heart disease. Thus, medicines containing sildenafil could improve the health of millions of people with heart failure.