Outwitting fear of flying after plane crash

Outwitting fear of flying after plane crash / Health News

Outwitting fear of flying after plane crash


Not only people with fear of flying have had a very bad feeling when flying since the catastrophe of the Germanwings crash. Although traveling by plane is generally much safer than using other means of transport. But in the event of a fall, so many casualties are recorded in one fell swoop that public perception easily gives the impression of a particular danger. Accordingly, many passengers feel insecure after the crash of the German Wings flight 4U9525. With a few relatively simple tricks, however, the fear of flying can be minimized.

Basically, flying has become much safer in the past few decades. Although the airspace seems overcrowded today, according to the „South German newspaper“ statistically only two deaths per 100 million passengers occurred during the period 2001-2013. Between 1962 and 1971, the death toll was 133 per 100 million passengers. Fear of flying is still relatively widespread among passengers. As soon as sufferers begin a flight, symptoms such as dyspnea, rapid palpitations, tremors, nausea and vomiting appear. Not infrequently, air travel is therefore completely avoided.

Many Germans suffer from fear of flying
According to a survey by the Allensbach Institute for Demoscopy, 16 percent of Germans suffer from fear of flying and 22 percent feel uncomfortable when flying. After the recent Germanwings crash, these numbers have probably increased significantly. However, the fear of flying can be mitigated with a few simple measures. Under professional guidance, these can be learned on special flight anxiety seminars, whereby the latter usually start with the information deficit of those affected and then provide methods for coping with the fear of flying.

Pay attention to the correct location
In the context of the fear of flying seminars participants receive on the one hand information on aircraft technology and information about the origin of their fears. On the other hand, they are also provided with strategies for coping with fear of flying, ranging from the right choice of space to special relaxation techniques. In terms of the seat choice explains the „Southgerman newspaper“, That those affected should secure the best places, which are in the middle of the hall and over the wings at the eve or on-line check-in. There, the movements of the aircraft are the least noticeable. If the seats are already occupied directly above the wings, the quieter front part of the machine is recommended.

Reasonable schedule
In order to avoid additional stress when flying, the passengers should also allow enough time. Because time at check-in stress and pressure, which are often immediately transformed into fear of flying, so the „Southgerman newspaper“. If you bring enough time, you can arrive relaxed and use the waiting time for exercise. Because when walking around, climbing stairs or running on taxiways excess adrenaline will be reduced. This helps to relax and reduce the fear of flying.

No coffee, alcohol and no strong medication
During the waiting time and the flight is for passengers with fear of flying a waiver of coffee advised, since this can drive the pulse in addition to the height, so the „Southgerman newspaper“. Furthermore, strong drugs and alcohol would only be one way of avoiding it. Those affected are not afraid of flying and therefore can not reduce them, but in the end they will get even bigger. However, there should be no objection to homeopathic remedies and herbal supplements such as valerian, as they relax instead of being misted.

Use relaxation techniques
Many people with fear of flying are especially troubled by take-off and landing. They tend to panic attacks as soon as the plane accelerates and takes off into the air. Here, relaxation techniques and breathing exercises can be used to reduce the fears arising. So, for example, advises the „Süddeutsche Zeitung, to breathe in deeply and exhale for a long time to loosen up the cramped body. It also helps those affected to admit that fear in a situation that is so extraordinary for people like flying is perfectly fine. Relaxation techniques are referred to as autogenic training and progressive muscle relaxation, and learning techniques is also an important part of many fear of flying seminars.

Distraction during the flight important
In addition, it is important for those affected to provide distraction during the flight in order to prevent the onset of fear of flying as much as possible. Everything could be helpful here, which also has a relaxing effect on the floor „Southgerman newspaper“. The ideal triad of distraction, concentration and relaxation would provide audiobooks, but even listening to your favorite music could help. Not least because this noise of the aircraft, which could possibly cause concern, are hidden. Even conversations with the neighbors are quite suitable as a distraction, but this is not always an opportunity.

Eat and move
Furthermore, those affected should force themselves on air travel to eat, even if the fear of flying hit them on the stomach. For normal activities like eating would signal to the body that everything is alright, so that „Southgerman newspaper“. As long as the buckles are extinguished, getting up and doing some exercise can help get rid of excess adrenaline. This applies equally for some on-board gymnastics while sitting. To unconsciously associate air travel with positive memories, anxious travelers could, for example, reward themselves with a gift to themselves directly after the flight. (Fp)

> Image: Tilmann Jörg