Flibanserin Viagra for the woman

Flibanserin Viagra for the woman / Health News

Viagra for men has been a real hit for years. The bigger was the search for a lust-making pill for the woman. Today it should now decide whether the "Pink Viagra" in the US as a drug approved by the FDA. But what should the pill do and what are the dangers? Can remedies increase the imagination of women and thus provide more pleasure sensation?

Feverish search for pleasure pill for the woman
After the US Medicines Agency had approved the potency-boosting pill for men, Viagra, about 16 years ago, the pharmaceutical industry's feverish search for a counterpart for women has already given birth to a setback for the woman. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has asked US company Sprout Pharmaceuticals for more in-depth research into potential side effects for its libido-boosting pill flibanserin..

Pink Viagra pills require approval in the US. Image: phadungsakphoto / fotolia

Funds bought by German pharmaceutical company
For the company, the objection of the FDA meant a setback in the now 15-year-long search for a feminine pleasure-enhancing agent. Following the successful and lucrative launch of Viagra, numerous large pharmaceutical companies such as Viagra inventor Pfizer or Procter & Gamble had plunged into this research. Small start-ups are nowadays playing in this field. Prout Pharmaceuticals bought "Flibanserin" in 2011 from the German concern Boehringer Ingelheim. The Rhineland-Palatinate company had thrown the towel after a negative decision by the FDA.

Rosa Viagra with side effects
The drug "flibanserin" was actually developed to relieve depression. During the development, the researchers of the pharmaceutical company discovered that the substance can also increase the sense of pleasure of women. Thus, the drug should be sold as "Rosa Viagra" in pharmacies, especially to give women before menopause, an increase in libido. However, studies had shown at the time that women who took the funds had only a modest upward trend in their "sexually satisfying events". In addition, side effects often occurred in studies. These included dizziness, tiredness and nausea. Occasionally insomnia, dry mouth, constipation and stress could be observed as a side effect. In addition, the clinical studies showed that the sedative effect of the substance could also increase the risk of accidents and injuries.

Female libido influenced by various factors
Even the spilled by a couple Labor Sprout could not eradicate the pitfalls of the pill apparently. Ten percent of the subjects reported in a study of the company after the daily intake of the agent from occurring drowsiness. The US Food and Drug Administration now wants to know how the pill reacts with other medicines and whether it affects the ability to drive. Experts say that one of the reasons why it is so difficult to find a "female Viagra", as the female libido is influenced by many different factors. If the FDA still approves "flibanserin" one day, the remedy would be particularly suitable for women who are just before the menopause and suffer from a lack of sexual desire. But then Sprout Pharmaceuticals would first have to find doctors who prescribe the drug because often enough, there is still skepticism, as it was said. (Sb)