Fletchern against overeating & obesity

Fletchern against overeating & obesity / Health News

Slim chewed: With "Fletchern" against overeating and overweight

The word "diet" comes from the Greek ("diaita") and means "way of life". From the point of view of naturopathy, a healthy and sustainable weight reduction in the regulation of digestion and metabolism, whereby in addition to the conversion of food and the conversion of eating habits is of great importance. Such a change can be the concentrated chewing and salivating of the food. This behavior, which became very popular as "fletcherism" in the early 1920's, is still evident today, e.g. under the term "Schmauen" (artificial word from "tasting" and "chewing") as part of therapy concepts in the naturopathic practice again.


  • Slim chewed: With "Fletchern" against overeating and overweight
  • Fletching as the origin of the Kaudiät
  • 20 kilograms of weight loss after four months of chewing cure
  • Long chewing and intensive tasting for optimal nutrient utilization
  • Saturation is the signal of the body that it has received enough food

Fletching as the origin of the Kaudiät

The Fletchern (also: "Fletschern") goes according to tradition of the naturopath Dr. A. Rosendorff back to the wealthy American Horace Fletcher, who was said in the early 20th century as a forty-year-old overweight man to have felt dissatisfaction with his state of health and performance. In addition to complaints such as fatigue and exhaustion, sleep disorders and lack of appetite, rejecting the contract of a life insurance company was crucial to Fletcher's focus on his health. After several cures in Europe were unsuccessful, he had, following the advice of a "fit old man", carefully chewed and salted every bite of his meals. Even liquid food, such as water, which was only allowed between meals, Fletcher tasted and swallowed before swallowing in this way.

Long chewing is the most essential feature of Flechs. Picture: Swapan / fotolia)

20 kilograms of weight loss after four months of chewing cure

In doing so, Fletcher was less concerned with performing a certain number of chewing motions than with chewing and tasting the food with full concentration so that it did not pass through the stomach until it was completely liquid. As food Fletcher served "after his instinct" first bread, butter, potatoes, rice, vegetables, meat and fish, whereby the demand for irritants such as alcohol, coffee tea and meat should have diminished with increasing improvement of the condition.

Within four months, the weight (at a size of 167 cm) fell from 94 to 71 kg. Horace Fletcher is said to have felt amazingly powerful and strong even though he consumed only one third of the amount of food recommended at that time to a man of his age and size by "medical authorities." But how do extensive chewing and tasting cause more energy with significantly less food intake?

Long chewing and intensive tasting for optimal nutrient utilization

The digestion begins in the mouth. The chewing serves first the mechanical and then the chemical comminution of the food, whereby an enzyme contained in the saliva takes over the first splitting of the carbohydrates. A longer chewing process facilitates the further splitting in later digestive phases.

Furthermore, even before swallowing the sensory impressions, namely smell and appearance of the food, but especially the stimuli that are passed on during the chewing on the taste buds, on the vagus nerve (parasympathetic). This switches the organism from "activity" to "rest and digestion", stomach movement and gastric juice production now start their operation. The intensive tasting of the "Fletching" serves as preparation for the digestion in the stomach, where the chyme can now be well mixed and optimally split. In addition, the food does not remain longer than necessary in the stomach, so gastric enlargement (ptosis) and fermentation are avoided. In addition, the requirement to drink only between meals prevents the gastric juice from losing its full concentration due to dilution, thus forfeiting the digestive power.

Saturation is the signal of the body that it has received enough food

After all, the slow-concentrated, almost meditative form of food intake, which requires a quiet environment and sufficient time, sharpens the perception of one's own body processes, so that the feeling of satiety as a signal of sufficient nutrient supply can be recognized in good time and over-nutrition does not take place. For this, however, it is necessary to overcome educated beliefs and rules of conduct that make eating a supreme duty. Or as Rosendorff quotes as a "motto" in his book: "herds know when to go home and then go out of the grass; but the unwise never suspects his stomach measure. "(Edda, Rosendorff 1964) (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, Naturopath)

Dr. med. A. Rosendorff: New Findings in Naturopathic Treatment, Turm-Verlag 1964

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