Meatless and lust vegans usually have better sex

Meatless and lust vegans usually have better sex / Health News

Nutrition Study: Vegans Have the Best Sex
Vegan diet has long been in vogue. More and more people live free of meat for health, moral and ethical reasons. According to a new study, "vegan" is now one of the most important forms of nutrition. The research also showed that vegans have the best sex.

Conscious diet without animal products
Vegan is "in". More and more people are choosing a diet that does not require any animal products that banish not only meat and fish from the diet, but also eggs, dairy or honey. Celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Bill Clinton and Johnny Depp are also in fashion and rely on a conscious diet. In addition to moral and environmental protection reasons, many of the health aspect is in the foreground. Typical civilization diseases such as obesity, diabetes or high blood lipid levels are rare in vegans. Apparently, there is another advantage: According to a new study, vegans have the best sex.

Sex life obviously benefits from a vegan diet. (Image: llhedgehogll /

Expression of one's own personality
For the nutrition-type study, the nutrition portal "nu3" had reportedly interviewed 1,080 consumers. In a press release, the portal reported on the results. According to this, about every third respondent views his diet as a "lifestyle" and expression of his own personality. Vegan, low carb (carbohydrate-reduced), gluten-free (grain-free) and paleo ("stone age diet") were among the most important diets. In particular, vegans and paleo supporters would express their personal lifestyle through their diet. For about every second, this is even more important than purely health or flavor aspects of the diet.

Most of the vegans are satisfied with their sex life
The survey also revealed that the different diet types also tick sexually differently. Vegans therefore have the best sex. Almost three quarters of the vegans surveyed (72 percent) are "very satisfied" or "satisfied" with their sex lives. However, the diet for vegans can also mean a relationship: For every third person (33 percent), it would be a reason for separation, if the partner eats meat. This coincides with a survey that the partner agency "" carried out years ago. This showed that vegans and vegetarians prefer to stay in the search for a partner among themselves. However, this does not mean that people who eat no meat are more stubborn, on the contrary: Only recently, a study by scientists from the University of Mainz and the University of Wuppertal showed that vegetarians and vegans are less prejudiced than meat eaters. The latter would rather advocate authoritarian structures.

Conscious nutrition is good
Low-carb types are most common in a partnership (76 percent) and rarely single (24 percent), according to the latest nutritional study. Most of them are satisfied with their sex life (57 percent). The portal concluded from their findings that it is good to eat consciously. For example, 80 percent of people who permanently follow a particular diet dictated that they feel more comfortable than ever before. Respondents in Paleo (83 percent) and Vegan (82 percent) see the biggest improvement. (Ad)