meat consumption

meat consumption /

How high is the meat consumption in Germany??

From 2000 to 2017, meat consumption per capita in Germany was stable at around 60 kilograms per year. That's about 1.15 kilograms per person every week. The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) advises a meat consumption of not more than 300 to 600 grams per week. Thus, average meat consumption in Germany is two to four times higher than recommended by the DGE. The DGE is calling on consumers to halve their meat consumption and instead buy higher-quality animal products.

Meat consumption worldwide

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture sees animal husbandry as a field of tension between increasing demand and sustainability. The per capita consumption of meat worldwide is around 43 kilograms per year. The growth of the world population and increasing prosperity are leading to a steadily increasing demand for animal food. In order to satisfy the global hunger for meat, a significant increase in agricultural animal husbandry must be made. However, this is in contradiction to the requirements of a sustainable, environmentally conscious and climate-friendly world economy as well as animal welfare in factory farming. (Vb)

Less life expectancy: Meat eating significantly shortens life

Lower life expectancy due to a lot of meat According to a new study, two sausage rolls or one schnitzel per day are enough to produce a statically distinctly less fat ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color" data -orientation = "horizontal"> Climate protection and health: Meat consumption should be better halved

Greenpeace for Halving Meat Consumption in Germany By the year 2050, Germans must cut their meat consumption by half, reduce pesticide use to f ...
More 'data-url = "" data-lang = "DE" data-theme = "color "data-orientation =" horizontal "> Increased mortality from red meat

Red meat increases the risk of death13.03.2012 Red meat consumption has already been shown in numerous previous studies with significant health effects.